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Scraps are BACK by AdriOfTheDead

(EDIT: Okay, scratch that first part; I found out that you can adjust settings to where submissions don't show up on your page when you update a specific folder. Didn't know that! I'll probably post a few things to my scraps but not a lot.)

I went ahead and deleted my scraps folder, since I wasn't really using it all that much. A couple of things were deleted, but everything else was moved into different folders. I realize the folder system here on Weasyl helps keep the gallery organized, and I love that, but I think having a Scraps gallery that's separate from the main gallery is really handy for posting sketches without cluttering up your page or burying your recent, more finished work.

Anyway, I think I've reached a good stopping point with submissions now, even though there was a lot that I skipped over... mostly commissions from people that don't have an FA or a Weasyl account, as well as just random doodles.

If you're interested in seeing any of my other original work/commissions/sketches/doodles/whatever that aren't posted here, you can find most, if not all, of it on my art tumblr: as well in the art tag on my main tumblr:

Additionally, you can find even MORE stuff on my DeviantART page: which has its own Scraps section:

So, in that regard, I'm going to stick to using Weasyl for posting commissions and finished work, and leave the sketches and the incomplete stuff to the other sites.

Scraps are BACK


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    I'll actually be keeping this in mind. thanks. :3

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    but I think having a Scraps gallery that's separate from the main gallery is really handy for posting sketches without cluttering up your page or burying your recent, more finished work.

    Reading this I started wonder if you knew that you that you can set a folder so that the contents won't show up on your profile/gallery? My sketch folder, for example, shows up on Weasyl's front page and alerts watchers of new content, but they don't appear anywhere else on my page except when you go and browse said folder.

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      really? I wasn't aware of that

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      i just checked it out and holy crap lmao

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    I am actually looking for a way of putting my scraps here. Really, I see some people not caring about works in progress, rough sketches, braindumps, etc. So, I have been hesitant to upload them because they are considered normal submissions. Even making a "scraps" folder and putting it there still doesnt differentiate scrap work from finished works, and thus might clutter up people's feed who do not wanna see it. Been holding off on uploading such content as a result. Lets see if I can try this again...

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      If you go under your settings and go under your submission folder preferences, by clicking the folder links at the bottom, you can actually adjust a folder's individual settings to where the either a.) don't show up on Weasyl's main page, b.) don't show up in your followers' notifications, and/or c.) don't show up in your own main submissions gallery or on your page.

      I thank ducky for pointing this out to me, or else I never would have known haha

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        Ahhhh..... so thats how you do it. Either I can have my scraps show up in feeds of my watchers and show up on my main page according to how recent it was submitted....or i can turn all of that off. I got real spoiled off of dA because you could watch another user but click a checkbox on your end to say "dont follow this person's scraps", which is a nice happy medium. Still, nice to know I do have some options even if its all or nothing.

        Incidentally, what did I help you with? I was the one who commented here with unsure statements.

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    Scratch that question. I misread the thank you for Ducky. (cant edit my previous comment)