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Reasons why Weasyl is legit tho by Jotaku

I'll admit I was a little worried when the site started having slow load times; that it was having trouble handling the influx (and if that were the case, how would it handle a full-fledged user base of equivalent size as FA)
But finding out it was a DDoS, and considering how the site could still remain up for so many people? That the staff quickly and efficiently responded about the problem and began working on it while being completely forward with information?

Hello Weasyl staff I think you may be winning my heart.
Such a refreshing breath of air after the BS bush beating I'm used to.

Also I find it really interesting that someone out there feels the need to DDoS this site. IMO, sooommeeeonnne is a little threatened. Which begs the question, if you feel threatened in the first place, I think you need to take a good hard look at what you're doing wrong.

Reasons why Weasyl is legit tho


Journal Information



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    2 Legit. 2 Legit to quit. B|

    But seriously, I'm glad that the site is doing as well as it has over the influx of new users.

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      Me too! The more I use this site, the more I like it.
      There are a couple things I am not 100% fond of (like how replying to messages takes you away from the message you're responding to fldsjf;dj;)
      But overall I def like it
      And I really like the community growing on it so far, even if it's a little new and quiet yet

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        To be fair it's still in Beta. But what a functional one if you asks me.
        However, the staff are -very- accessible and ready to answer requests for help with features or bugs. Not only that but they're also very much open to suggestions for the website!
        In fact in that regard you might want to bookmark their twitters: The main site's personal twitter The twitter account specifically used by the site's development and maintenance team. They were the ones who confirmed the issues yesterday came from a DDOS attack.

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          yes of course!
          I like knowing info, so I often explore around places like those, thanks for the links! : )
          And yes, exactly. Especially because weasyl is in beta, it makes the site that more awesome. That it's handling itself so well, and that the design and layout is so clean and pretty already. /nodnod
          I am definitely impressed.

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      LOL YES.

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    Gee, wonder who could possibly want to see Weasyl shut down... That one's a toughy.

    If you want more ways the staff is winning hearts, go take a look at the Site Discussion threads in the forum. Any problems people have are being discussed in a civilized manner, most of the problems are already being fixed in the next updates, and any problems they say they won't fix, they give actual reasons for not changing (Though frankly I've only seen like one "problem" they said they wouldn't be changing atm, and that problem was kind of not a problem at all :V).

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      I stopped by the forums briefly when I noticed the site was running slow. How quickly someone jumped in and informed them the reason was being a DDoS.
      I remember being on the FA forums during the downtime, and I just... I hated the atmosphere. The users were trying to be nice and civil, but lack of answers or even INFO started to get people a little thin, y'know? It's like no one on FA cares about their users unless they start getting rude. Then it's a quick shut up or get suspended. : /
      I can't stand censorship. I can get stopping people from being rude, but how can you expect people to NOT BE RUDE if you completely IGNORE them. omfg;;;

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        As a previous forum goer, I can attest to this. Dragoneer is more or less passive about the forums. Hates the userbase because they are always on a semi-critical level (which he apparently just can't handle. He's never 'wrong'.) So the first thing he did was go to the forums and boot the old admin, booted mods that had been participating on Weasyl, and then began censoring and purging anyone who had an outcry about it.

        And to boot--He picked someone who'd previously had allegations of Zoophilia, and had been a vocal supporter of it. And THEN he hires the so-called chauvinist Zaush to handle coding--something that literally anyone else could have been hired for.

        Seems like the Neer just wants all his buddies to be in charge of the place. Too bad it seems like all his friends are shit heads.

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          Is Neer even right in the head???
          Gosh, this makes me so angry to hear about! It's like he is TRYING to make everyone leave FA. It's as though he WANTS everyone to get so fed up they just throw their hands up in the air and out.
          IMO, censoring is NEVER the way to go about handling your users. If you can't personally handle the comments, get someone else to sugar coat them for you. Doesn't matter that it's a free site or service, if you want it to succeed, you have to be aware that taking advantage of your position of power WILL drive people away. If he really wanted to stop people from joining weasyl, what he should do ISNT silence everything about it. He should let them talk! Instead, boost his own site. Have a better, friendlier staff. FA already has the business. If him and his team are open and good, if they could handle people well and make people feel safe there, no one would want to leave, regardless of how new and pretty any given other art site is.
          Instead he turns molehills into scandalous mountains. He shuns his users and sticks up for the bad. God, I just cannot. FA's hierarchy is disgusting and toxic.

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    I still can't believe some joker paid to DDoS this site. But I am wholly impressed with their response. If this were FA it'd be down for a week and they'd ask for "hardware donations".

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      Wait lolol
      Someone PAID for the site to get DDoS'd??? omfg what the heck even holy jeez
      AND ALSO AHAH YEP. P MUCH. So freakin' true tho

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      :O You got a source on that, out of curiosity? You can link me privately if you'd prefer

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        I'm loling so much internally at the concept that there are fucking Internet Mercenaries in existance.

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        I don't have a source, it's just speculation, but most DDoS attacks are purchased for around $5 because afaik it's difficult to pull one off with home hardware. Try googling "buy a DDoS attack" and you'll find hundreds of companies that offer the service.

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    I didn't even realize it was a DDoS issue. I thought it was just another BLOOP from the overflow of people. It was handle so quick that I didn't question it. That's awesome!!

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      Yes, I wouldn't even have known it happened if I had chanced by the forums. Which is also very impressive, that so many people didn't even realize that's what was really happening.

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        Currently my home router won't let me view the site but my phone 4g will. Weird.

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          Ah if you're still having this problem, I would try bringing it up on the forums? I've seen people offer solutions to help fix this sorta thing, but I don't recall them myself.
          Something about needing to clear stuff? idk @3@

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            Pop. Took a few hours for my modem to forget the cache and all was good. And yes, the Adkins are SUPER helpful in the forums. An if not them, the community is.

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    On a purely technical level, Weasyl is much much muuuuch better site than FA is; the only thing holding it back is the smaller community. Hopefully that'll change!

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      Yes. If the artists that have actually decided to leave and move their business elsewhere STICK to that, I am sure it will also bring the buyers over.
      I wish I were in a financial spot to make that sort of transition myself, but I am hopeful I can get there eventually.

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    I noticed how much it slowed down but I just figured it was because everyone was signing up and uploading at once. I had no idea there was an attack iAi

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      Yes, this is totally what I was thinking happened to.
      Which, like I said, makes it doooubble impressive. The staff has even confirmed multiple times that the influx hasn't been even the slightest of issues for load times.

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        That's incredible D:

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    Staff here are excellent, whenever i've had a problem they've been helpful and when I'm doing something wrong they tell me and speak to me

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      Oh maaan that's so great to hear! ;V; fksjd;f

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        and if you SUGGEST what can make the site better they listen


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    Honestly, besides the tiny ass thumbnails, I have literally no problem with the website. It's professionally run and layed out, and has plenty of features I've wanted on FA for years to no avail.

    But lets be honest butthurt people are butthurt about the exodus.

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      I'll admit the tiny thumbnails were getting to me at first, but lately they've been growing on me. They give a very nice feeling of comformity n the website rather than the mishmash of differently shaped thumbnails of other side. And the very simple overlay giving title and other such informations on an image allow to very quickly get the gist of an image thanks to the combination of preview and title.

      It beats the grumbling I often had from trying to hunt the lower right corner of a pic on FA to click the "preview description" button only to have to scroll back or up because it'd popped in such a fashion I was only able to read half of it ^^

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      I agree about the thumbnails. I don't mind that they're uniform, but I think it would be nice if they were bigger (or had the option for bigger viewing, like on dA)
      It's hard to pick images out with so many little squares @w@

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    its such a good site so far//

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      It just feels... so clean and crisp and positive! : )

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    This just proved to me that the Weasyl staff actually cares about site performance for it's users and wants to fix them. Good on you Weasyl, it's really a shock for me to see this happening, being used to FA. But I'm glad.

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      I mean, part of this is with having a smaller site. It's a lot easier to work with issues and resolve them. STILL THO, how FA handles its site is ridiculously bad. : /

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    I know, right? Weasyl and it's staff got some serious chops. When I woke up this morning and came on I thought it went down temporarily because of a big influx of activity, haha. I was still really impressed that you could still see the site at all though. Hearing it was a DDoS attack tho, got me like

    image description

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        (haha, it cut my gif out of the message the first time...)

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          P MUCH MAN
          P MUCH

          I was totally thinking 'oh noooo this is a bad sign if Weasyl can't handle these users! I want this to be my new home, it's gotta handle more than this!'
          Then that it was a DDoS?
          Hot freakin' damn. /slow clap

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    Yeah, I'm really starting to like this site myself! I was really happy with how they handled the DDoS.

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      Same! It felt professional, quick, just amazing!
      And all new places are hard to get used to at first. The more I'm here, though, the more I am coming to like it.

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    VERY good news to hear indeed! X3

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    Totally your fault I'm even on here. I saw your journal entry about it on deviant art recently and decided to come check it out. Thanks for that, by the way.
    This place is really nice so far~ the transparency is fantastic. I hope it stays this way as it grows. Now I'm off to google DDoS...

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      I hope you stay /lays out seductively

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        laughing oh yep mmm definitely. Love your art so I'll stick around for that for now ;P

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    Agreed! <3

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    Hahahaha the wise words of the Jojo

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      ME TOO
      I really really really wanna work on being able to afford leaving FA for good.
      That place is disgusting.

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    I heard SoFurry got hit with a DDos Attack too. HRMM.

    But, agreed. It is a nice breath of fresh air. And the transparency is fucking fantastic. ♥

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    Seriously, this site is so much better than DA just because of how lazy the staff have been over there recently. This is a nice change.

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      For the record, I can understand DA is freakin' massive. It deals with so much, and it honestly does update pretty often.
      I don't like their new stance on dealing with various types of art theft, though. : /
      It's unfortunate, but then again, dA has had the reputation of having a dickwad userbase for many years.

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    I just saw the site's status layout and I'm so impressed by the fast updates and overall accommodating attitudes of mods!
    The small blackouts concerned me at first too, but the staff handled the situation VERY well. So all is good! Weasyl is definitely a nice change of pace, so far!

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      Because honestly, having a problem isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, having troubles (whether you run a website, or whether you're an artist and end up, say, on artists beware) can do you some good, if you handle the situation really well. The DDoS is obviously not weasyl's fault, but having seen sites who have a horrible response time to their users, and just generally don't do things well? This is extremely nice, and GOSH DARN falling in love with the staff! ahahah

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        EXACTLY! I normally don't complain with downtime as I'm aware how difficult it must be to manage a site while trying to keep people calm. The best a staff, or even artist, can do during similar times is to focus on fixing the problem and give timely updates. I'm very impressed by how the weasyl staff handled themselves with the situation. Very thoughtful and also professional ^^

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    I love this site soooo much. Been here since early 2013 and been wishing it'd get the attention it deserves. My favorite parts are that it has "character" and "collection" galleries. The character submissions also allow you to give very deep detail about that character, which is super awesome! Another cool thing is the Livestream notice, if you're gonna livestream you can make a specific livestream notification. Waaaaay better than having to make a "livestream" journal and have to worry about taking it down later, or having it take up space on the site's database(one of the causes of FA problems a while back). Oh and another thing, profile banners! Honestly I think this site makes FA look like it was designed by 10year olds...

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      LAUGHS I think it's funny you say that, because while FA's site isn't designed by 10-year-olds, I am pretty sure I've heard the current coding IS 10 years old.

      But so much agree! I also really really like how, when you reply to people, it has a little link. Oh man, it's so nice and organized! I've never seen that before on an art site, and it makes me really happy! /small things in life, right
      Also that if you visit a user's page who is streaming, it shows on their page as well w/ a little green light! : O

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        I like it a lot because it's current!

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        Yes, all of what you just said! These little things make me so happy I could just smash my head into my desk...but with like a happy head smash. FA makes me rage head smash...

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    Can i just ask what a DDoS is? :S

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      Oh yeah! Well y'know how if a site gets too much traffic for it to handle, it'll black out or go offline, or get slow, etc.
      A DDoS works in the same manner, that it is an attack that sends a ridiculously high number of information packets to a site. Its purpose is to overwhelm whichever site they're intended for and force it to go offline.

      P much someone is throwing a huge hissy fit about everyone up and going to Weasyl, and trying to force this site offline by attack it with an overload of information. That the Weasyl staff have been able to both handle the huge influx of users and submissions without batting an eye, as well as battling a DDoS attack with minimal downtime and speed problems is truly amazing. To put it simply, this is how an art site SHOULD handle itself.

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        Oh, okay- thank you :)
        That's pretty childish of whoever's doing this, to try and take down the site- I mean, if they want to keep their users, or compete with Weasyl, or any other site for that matter, isn't it better to just improve their own website, rather than trying to ruin the sites they are competing with? Ugh, some people these days :I

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    Yea, I'm really liking weasyl too. It's much more pleasing to the eye than FA IS with it's layout and whatnot. Easy to navigate, etc. and it's only in beta!

    This site will be great. ^.=.^

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      Y'know I think I agree. Some aspects I'm still kinda meh about, but it's definitely a lot prettier and cleaner than FA. And I'm sure I'll either get used to those things I don't care for, or they'll get changed eventually. /p easy going
      I think I like the everyone has a default lighter page thing, too... It always struck me as kinda annoying on FA having a light and dark layout option, cuz then users would use one or the other and sometimes it was just impossible to view a page. @3@;;;

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        Yea.... I never used the light setting for that reason. A lot of peeps liked the darker board and made their pages to work with the darker background.

        There are some things that need a little work on here still, but it is in beta. They'll get worked on eventually. ^.=.^

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    You know, now that you have mentioned it, it all makes sense!
    After all the crap that was happening on FA...think someone's a little envious~

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      P much.
      FA is just /rubs temple

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        And Same here 8D

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    I read all these comments and just...
    except, the comment preview thing still confuses me because I ALWAYS CLICK ON THE WHITE THING LIKE