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It's Over (That's a good thing) by Draco_Sundertail

(This journals a bit late. I had planned for it to go up around the first of the month, but I don't think it's too delayed that what I said's no longer relevant. 2024's off to a great start though, isn't it? No, optimistic journal Draco. You will stand firm this year...)

Throughout the end of last month to anyone wishing me a merry christmas, I would add to my reply every single time: "For what it's worth." For what it's worth to you in this monumentally shit year... I haven't been saying it for the new year. I've just been saying "happy new year." Because I 100% want the new year to be worth something to everyone who deserves it.

So, for what it's worth to you all, late merry christmas!

And a fairly optimistic and genuine happy new year.

I'm still around, for those wondering. I had a lot of stuff I wanted to go through last month and I was determined to just retreat until it was done. Did get a lot done, you'll probably see it soon but... there were also entire days and weeks of november and december where I couldn't pick up a pen. Play games. Talk to anyone. Do anything other then just sit and stare at the screen paralyzed from the neck down. No physical reason. I just... needed 2023 to be over. I just needed it to end before anyone else in a position of power did anything stupid.

New years night my time, I sat outside with the pets who are still with me, toasted to the sky as is a tradition, and watched that clock tick over on my phone. It's over. It could not end soon enough.

And now it's time to pick up the pieces and begin anew, pretty much. I'll figure that all out soon enough. I'll talk about resolutions, reservations, and plans. How much of the bad I even address or fix like my tattered DA account, we'll... We'll COME to that. We'll fucking come to that soon as I can work up the courage. >:(

But I refuse to let this year get away from me like what happened in 2023 in ANY way. I'm gonna keep trucking, and keep working until they kick me out or turn the lights out on me. And if, after everything, you DO still wanna stick with me on that ride?
Thank you. Thank you for everything.

  1. Let's knock them dead. Fucking literally if we have to.

It's Over (That's a good thing)


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    I still deal with the paralysis of wanting to do something but being unable to force myself to do anything. It's something that I've dealt with since 2014. I'm doing better since then, but man. Sometimes it's really, really hard

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      I learned that sometimes "forcing oneself" is the wrong approach. There are moments when I feel burned out, and what helps me then is to stop, throw all the "musts" out the window, clear my mind and ask myself what I WANT to do. Even if often I end up doing exactly what I was doing before, the mere fact that I focus on WANTING to do it, rather than HAVING to do it, gives me far more motivation and joy in the process!

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        I will definitely keep that in mind, thank you. That does bring to mind one time where I needed to work on art, but I couldn't do it, so I said I'd do it the next day. The relief from that burden immediately changed the situation for me, and I was then able to work on it

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    Things go the way they do, but don't lose hope. Another year means more chances. All will be fine :)