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Hi everyone. Im still here.. Got a question :) by RaptorArts

So how is weasyl or is it a dead site? Im trying to condence my art to just a couple sites.
So far im tired of facebook so going to move entirely to either Instagram or deviantart. I dont really go to furaffinity anymore so im thinking of deleting my account there as well.

What are your thoughts? Im not in the fandom anymore but I do appreciate some of the higher quality art that is produced.
Anyhow id appreciate your thoughts :)

Hi everyone. Im still here.. Got a question :)


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    weasyl actually has a smol but cozy and tightknit community ^-^ not many people see this because they don't really interact with others and claim it's a "ghost town" when it isn't really, since everyone uploads and interacts with each other on here multiple times a day. weasyl is one of those places that if you want interactions, it's best to go up and interact with the community, that way you'll get some interactions in return ^w^ i think relying on uploads and waiting for everyone to come to you might not always work out i'm afraid <:3 but most of the community's pretty nice and chill and accepting ^-^ few bad eggs here and there, but eh, they're everywhere.. ^w^; i just give the bad eggs a block and most of em don't bother me again, but everyone else is nice tho, dw! I made alotta friends and acquaintances here :D maybe you might too! ^-^

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    600k visitors, 2.6 percent of what FA got (if you look at the web traffic)

    I have not seen a update to this site in years, but I do like their journal gallery.

    But you could use postybirb to post to many sites at once, and just put in your profile that you only answer comments on spesific sites~

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    Its Dead like everything else these days...