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Does anyone actually use this site? by JaxxBlackFox

I mean, besides as a sort of back up for if FA/dA goes down? I keep forgetting this place is still around. Not that it matters, interaction here is almost non existent.

I think I'll upload a few more images made this year that have been posted on FA and dA and then call it quits. This site is as dead as Tumblr.

Does anyone actually use this site?


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    I use it almost exclusively

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      Is there a reason? What about the site keeps you here exclusively?

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        The site layout has just what I want in an art website. The addition of folders at launch, and having a "Character" tab for your profile is really nice as well and makes displaying personal ref sheets really easy. The "Collections" feature is also a plus over other websites and allows for easy cataloging of one's commissions from other artists.

        Then there's the fact that there hasn't been any evidence to my knowledge of the Weasyl ownership/moderation staff being morally/financially corrupt, or hiring known, hostile hackers into their ranks (StarryKitten aka Zidonuke. Since resigned due to backlash, though unsure if hired back under anonymous account), or playing favorites just because someone is "popular". ie; going out of their way to bury/disregard evidence of sexual abuses perpetrated by their staff (Zaush aka Adam Wan. Since resigned due to backlash, though unsure if hired back under anonymous account), or having someone use an anonymous account to hide their identity due to previous accusations against them (Chase. Since resigned due to backlash, though unsure if hired back under anonymous account.), or breaking their word on countless occasions regarding site status/updates, or hiring someone who was explicitly unqualified for the position (Sciggles, because she's Dragoneer's wife) despite assuring the community they wouldn't hire them on multiple occasions.

        I hope it's safe to say anyone reading this knows what website I'm talking about. You can't even look at who's on staff anymore because of the catastrophically poor choices made in the past for who to hire. And even if you could, most, if not all of them now, have been made to use anonymous accounts to handle website issues and responses to user reports.

        Where as Weasyl's staff is clearly visible (albeit slow to update changes in staff), showing a sign of transparency that the other site has never truly had.

        Weasyl as a whole feels like a safer community to me,and not polluted by the disease that is Dragoneer's leadership (Or lack there-of). I knew Alkora when he owned the website before selling it to Dragoneer, and I've watched year after year as things have just gone down hill. The only reason that website is still around is because it's already "established", and people are too damned afraid to pull up roots and move elsewhere.

        I get it, some folks need to go where the business is. But when that business is located somewhere or owned by someone that is continually making a mockery of your community, that's where I draw the line.

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          Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I was genuinely curious, and you've affirmed a few things I was thinking/wondering about.

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    Yes, I have had personal issue that kept me from doing much art recently. But I always post anything new here!

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    I am on it

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    I used this site on a daily basis has been going through of a little problem here with some uploading as of recent but the last two years I've been on here it's been really fine.

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      What do you like about it that keeps you coming back every day? Are there parts of the site you enjoy over others? Or is it artists who are here exclusively?

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        Blacklist. I'm a Gore artist, and I don't get people complaining at me over the content I like making on art sites that have a Blacklist because people who don't like [any Theme] can block [any theme]. I'm an artist who runs on Many artsites, though. There currently isn't one that satisfies me 100%. But a blacklist is def the one thing that I like, I really hate how many times I'll get a note on FA/DA from people who for some gosh awful reason click on content they hate to tell me how much they hate it. And it breaks my heart when some of my watchers tell me that they like one type of my content but candle handle the other. Not only that, but with a blacklist, I can also both browse without seeing themes I hate and watch artists who I otherwise couldn't if they enjoyed a certain theme I didn't. Example: i don't like MLP, but there are artists who are great at drawing I have passed up to avoid being spammed with that specific interest they sometimes post.

        Weasyl is also an All-Rounder artsite that also allow all sorts of rated art and themes which is really difficult to have now a days with all these Theme specific artsites. I draw furry, Human, sfw, occassional nsfw, and other artwork, and it pains me to be on artsites where I can't post 100% of my Content (like Amino's hyper specific themes, or how strict Artstation is, or nsfw humans on inkbunny not allowed.)

        One feature that I absolutely enjoy is the Multimedia Section that I feel out beats a lot of others: I can play music without clicking on the Submission, and I can upload my own youtube videos as a submission here.

        Weasyl has the closest amount of features I like, but it lacks active management sadly. I would love it if this website would flourish and have an Active Administration/staff. That is the one thing holding this site back right now, and boy do I feel that one issue is certainly holding the site's progress hostage. Aside from that, I think the only thing I'd really like to see changed on this site is to perhaps have a rating system closer to Newgrounds because its way easier to rate content based on a "Yes/No this art contains X content" than to try to remember "what counts as general/mature/adult" in yet another art site.

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          Good points! Never thought of a few of those... Thanks for taking the time to reply. :)

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    I'm on both FA and weasyl although I'm debating on whether I should stay here...I just suck at keeping up with multiple sites

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      What do you like about this site that would make you decide to stay here, vs another website? (I'm trying to decide whether or not to stick around, ya see.)

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        I honestly don't have much a reason as to why I stay here tbh. I simply like the layout but it's pretty slow here...I guess I'm just too stubborn to move haha

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          Fair enough. If you like the layout, you like the layout. It's definitely a valid reason to stay. I stayed on SheezyArt until it straight up went kaput because I liked the layout.

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    If it helps can use postybird to uploaded to multiple sites all at once,

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    I'm slowly moving towards Weasyl and gravitating away from FA.

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    I use PostyBirb to upkeep everything, for submissions and journals now. I check my notifications on all those sites at least once a day, more if I have time.

    I don't have any particular attachment to this site (and tbh don't even like it that much, because of some stuff that's happened in the past), and really just keep using it and all the others just because it's a really bad idea to have all your eggs in one basket. Whether it's an art site or social media.

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      Fair enough. Honestly the only reason why I made a gallery here was to have a backup if FA ever imploded.

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    I don't really use it at all, the only reason I'm here is because Snowskau only uploads his stuff here. Many other artists I like only use FA.

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      Fair enough! I know quite a few people who do the same thing.

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    I check Weasyl before FA, because Weasyl tends to host images at higher quality. (FA has gotten better at this, and rarely auto-resizes images anymore, so it's a moot point anymore TBH.) Other than that, it's the "eggs in different baskets" principle. (Remember the days when FA was horribly unstable and frequently down for weeks at a time?) For that reason, I'm on SoFurry and DA as well. Tumblr still exist? I left during the Exodus of the Lewds and never looked back.

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      I get the whole "Not all eggs in one basket" thing. I'm on dA (have been for fifteen years), FA and still have my twitter and tumblr (for now). Technically I still have the vcl archive too I guess.. but that's just an archive, since there's literally no interaction with people on that platform.

      ...Tumblr barely exists still. Barely. Some people are still there, but nowhere near the numbers that used to be. The algorithms and bots that cleaned house hit a lot of SFW artists too and pissed them off enough they left along with all the "Lewds" as you call 'em. Kinda sad, but not unexpected. The platform is a shadow of it's former self... and probably won't be around much longer.

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        I say "lewd" because it was used by some of those drawing NSFW art, then appearing in protest, in comics about all these unclad characters moving on and trying to find new jobs, LOL. I saw it in the "here's where else to find me" final messages of blogs I used to watch. So this left me with an image of some kind of migration of Biblical proportions.

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          Same thing happened when SheezyArt banned NSFW stuff. Everyone jumped ship.