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THAT’S ALL FOLKS! (Uploads Finished, and What’s Next!) by Tremaine

As of this morning, August 24th, I am done uploading all of my old art to this account! As I am retiring my old fursona, my Tremaine account will now be a static account. He was great as an “ideals” fursona; I feel I’ve achieved most of the goals I’ve aspired to since I made him!

I’ll only be uploading stuff to my ArrJaySketch ArrJaySketch and ArrJayAfterDork ArrJayAfterDork accounts! Please give a follow if you want to see new art from me! Bear with me, as my skills have decayed a bit from lack of use, so I’m learning stuff all over again!

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your support! The amount of comments and favorites have been utterly overwhelming! I read each and every one, and they all mean so much to me! It’s hard to keep up with comments across four sites (FurAffinity, InkBunny, SoFurry, and Weasyl)! So if I didn’t reply, please don’t take it the wrong way; I just didn’t have the time, and depending on the day, I didn’t have the energy! Being that I uploaded at least 20 pieces each day, if I didn’t get a chance to reply to old comments they quickly get buried.

Everyone’s support made me extremely happy! I feel warm, and fuzzy, and loved, and this makes me want to create new art for you all. I’m so excited! I’m so excited that you’re all having fun! This, THIS is what I really wanted when I uploaded my art!


Keep watching, or unwatch if you like! There won’t be anything new posted. (Maybe. Maaaaybe I might have a surprise!)

Fave or comment on pieces if you like! The art isn’t going anywhere! Comment on new stuff, old stuff, or whatever! If you really love a piece, I’d love to hear about it! So if you see art you like years after this journal is posted, go say something! I’ll still be keeping an eye on my accounts!

If you have a story about how my art has helped you or inspired you, I’d love to hear about it!


In 2012, I deleted all of my art online because I was suffering from severe depression, but didn’t know it. I thought I was burnt out on the fandom, but I honestly was burnt out on life. I hated my art, my job, and my whole life, really. I just didn’t know what depression looked like.

Many times, I was mere moments away from deleting all my artwork and destroying all my art pieces.

Now, I have the best physical and mental health I’ve ever experienced my whole life! Years later, I realized that I’ve felt incredibly sad when someone deletes a thing I love from the Internet. It’s disappointing to not be able to share an awesome thing with others! While I hated my art in the worst of my depression, I realized that my feelings were NOT how others felt. Others probably really missed my artwork, like I missed some of my favorite stuff! So I started posting, and I’ve never been so happy to be proven exactly right my whole life! Seriously, big kudos to YOU ALL! :D


I am not selling any of my old art pieces at this time. A lot of pieces of greatly degraded over time, and I will not sell art in poor condition. A great deal of pieces I’ve posted were already scanned in 2009, and I haven’t looked at them since. Some were already in poor condition back then, and some I am sure have only gotten worse over time.

Should I decide to sell my old art in the future, I will go through old pieces one-by-one to check the quality and whether I think it’s worthy to sell.

I’ve uploaded 1,479 pieces to my gallery. As you can imagine, this would be an immense project in and of itself; right now, I’m very tired of uploading 20 pieces of art a day. I don’t want to sort through my collection right now.

Someday, I’ll consider it. Right now, I am focusing on drawing for myself, scraping off my rust, and having fun with my art again!


You are more than welcome to color any piece I uploaded! If you can, probably stay away from commissioned black and white pieces, unless you are very sure you understand what color palette the character(s) have. If you’re just coloring my characters, have a blast! I don’t mind how skilled you are. As long as you are having fun, give me credit (“Tremaine” or “Tremaine H. Fox”, but please DO NOT use my real name), and let me see the finished product, go for it!

(NOTE: Check Inkbunny or SoFurry for high-resolution copies of art! They're often WAY larger than the ones posted on FA or Weasyl!)


You are absolutely more than welcome to draw fan art! Skill level doesn’t matter; just have fun!

Same for fan fiction! I used to be super protective of my characters, but I guess drawing fan art and reading fan fiction of cartoons made me re-evaluate my stance over the years! (Some of the best stories I ever read have been fan fiction!)


I never take requests!

You should check my current accounts, ArrJaySketch ArrJaySketch and ArrJayAfterDork ArrJayAfterDork for my current status! I am hoping I’ll feel like taking commissions once I can turn out a finished product quickly and on-demand. I will not take commissions unless I feel I can do the work quickly, reliably, and with acceptable quality!


I’ve always been a fan of My Little Pony since the 80s! I’m really happy I can share that part of myself now!


Thank you all SO MUCH!!

THAT’S ALL FOLKS! (Uploads Finished, and What’s Next!)


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