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Still looking for another MMORPG to play by Marwan

At present, the only MMORPG -- or a more appropriate term, MMOTPS -- I've been playing without fail is Warframe. It's currently the only online game I've been playing for quite sometime.

I used to also play Final Fantasy XIV a lot. Unfortunately in 2017, without absolute warning whatsoever, Valve decided to further tighten Steam's already-worse inter-regional gifting restrictions, so that if the difference between regions' currencies are too high, gifting is blocked, even if it's friends from a region with stronger currency trying to gift games to friends with weaker currency. And because FFXIV is not available in my Malaysian region, gifting was the only way I get to play the newer expansions and such. This came about just as my friend, KingTsukimaru, was just about to gift me the Stormblood expansion, and now he can't. I decided then that my FFXIV adventure is over right then and there.

It's kinda heartbreaking, too, because Tsukimaru had been working hard just to get me into being able to play FFXIV with him in the first place. Now we can't play together anymore. =(

So I've been trying to look for any other MMORPGs out there that could give me that same experience FFXIV used to give me. For a while, I've been eyeing on Bless Online as a potential candidate. It seemed promising... I mean, that game even has its own equivalent of Lalafells: the Mascus, with a little twist that they also have animal ears and tail, if you choose to give them as such. However, I later found out that Bless Online's Western launch is an absolute mess: the game is as buggy as the infamous v1.0 of FFXIV; the game is in Early Access yet you'll need to pay to even play, and then the game dared to ask for more money for founders pack, which you will lose if you transfer your character to another server; and once you've completed the main quests, there's nothing else to do afterwards except to aimlessly wander around the vast open environment and attack and kill other random players from the opposing faction. It was so bad that Valve reportedly mass-refunding the game to anyone who asks, even those who had played the game far more than the 2-hour grace period and longer than 14 days. After looking at these angry gamers and heed their advice on staying away from this game as humanly possible, I admit that it's quite disappointing, because I had been thinking of trying it out to see if it's worth my time. =/

I'm currently at loss, because now, I'm not sure which MMORPG out there I want to play anymore. x_x By the way, when suggesting an MMORPG, please try not to suggest the most obvious choice, World of Warcraft. I'm still debating whether or not I want to play WoW -- after all, it is one of the most popular MMORPGs ever, but it didn't quite interest me, especially because the imposed language barrier between the two player factions is a dealbreaker for me. Also, it must be a PC title -- I don't have a PS4, sorry.

Still looking for another MMORPG to play


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  • Link

    Have you looked into Elder Scrolls Online at all? If you like any games from Bethesda, I recomend giving a go.
    It's free, and also easy to pic up.
    That and Guild Wars is another good one.
    those are the only two MMO'S I play. Used to Play WoW, but got tired of paying $15 a month for it.

    • Link

      Yeah, I've also been eyeing for Elder Scrolls Online, too, so maybe I'll check it out, eventually. Not sure about Guild Wars, though that also looks interesting, too. Thanks, anyway. =3

  • Link

    Hope you don't lose interest in Warframe ;w; I miss your company there

    • Link

      Don't worry. That won't gonna happen. XD But yeah, we hardly see each other these days on Warframe due to timezones and such. ;_; I have so many things I wanna discuss about that latest quest, The Sacrifice, but not wanting to spill the spoilers to the public.