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NFC no shows :( by Swandog

For those expecting to meet us at NFC, I'm very sorry to say that we couldn't make it there. ;_; We drove several hours, got halfway there, and Sayh (who was already sick, but had felt well enough to drive) came down with really bad fever and chills, and was feeling rather faint, so we had to stay the night at a hotel, and then turn around and go home the next day (today). We barely made it home before he got faint and dizzy again. (And no, I don't drive, or else I would have.) We had both been looking forward to NFC for many many people we wanted to see there, and I was going to have a booth, and wear my new Luna mask that Savicorn made me, and Sayh was going to debut Jasper and wear Panduck, and meet up again with two old friends (the GoHs) he hadn't seen in like 15 years. And it sucks to lose the money spent on the con/hotel too, but that's the least of it. :P Needless to say, we are both rather depressed over this, but we did try our best to make it, which I guess is better than not trying at all (at least we now *know* it wasn't possible). :( So sorry, guys, but Sayh's health comes first, and I just want him to rest now and get better. Hopefully we can meet you all again there next year.

NFC no shows :(


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    I'm sorry to hear you'll be missing out on NFC. :( It's a shame, but as you say, health comes first. I hope Sayh will feel better soon!

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      Thanks, sweety (and to everyone else for the well-wishes also!)...Should we call the doc if he has fever every day (for several days in a row), or is that nothing to worry about?

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        How high is his fever? For the flu, it's not unusual to have a fever up to 39+°C for several days until the body destroys the virus; it's part of the natural immune defence and not dangerous in itself. Just make sure he drinks plenty of water! You can also offer him an antipyretic NSAID or painkiller such as Ibuprofen/Aspirin/Paracetamol to reduce the fever; just follow the dosage guide on the bottle. A painkiller would also help with muscle or joint pain, which is a frequent symptom of the flu.

        I had a bout of the flu myself this winter; my fever went up to 39.8°C and lasted 5 days all total. It would probably have gone on 1-2 additional days except I got tired of being sick and dampened it with paracetamol. I also notice Sayh made a comment on a Facebook entry of mine earlier today; as a medical professional, I take that as a sign of him not being in any immediate danger. ;) I hope he'll be feeling better soon! Feel free to poke me here/on Facebook/via the phone if you think he's getting worse and would like an informal medical evaluation.

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          Thanks so much, hon...he seems to be doing a bit better now; the fever has gone down, and he just has a headache that won't go away. He's been drinking and resting a lot, and is almost back to eating normally, but is still feeling very drained, and a bit dizzy at times.

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    Awwh, that's so sad :c getting sick right before/during a convention is a horrible thing. I hope he gets better soon!

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    Oh my heart aches for this, but health is always a no.1! Hold that birdie close and warm and feed him with hot soup and lots of love!!!

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    All the best to him, so sad to hear you could not get to enjoy the first NFC. Maybe next year though! <3

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    Better to be safe and recover at home!

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    Hope he feels better very soon! D:

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    Aww, no! :( I am sorry to hear you had to turn around, while you were on your way. I hope Sayh recovers quickly, and that it's just a common flu, and nothing more serious! *hugs*

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    : ( Awwe that sucks. But health comes before anything! Best healing wishes for Sayh <3

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    Aww that's too bad D: Hope he feels better soon <3

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    Wait Luna fursuit mask or ? (Sorry for the sudden question) Just wow thought luna would be made by Q : )

    bUT hope u'll get on Banzaicon/desucon or something. At lest u have Cabbincon :D <3 That's cozy <3 ^^

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      (No, not the fursuit head; that I hope to have made by Q. This is a mask made by Savicorn on DA; you can see a WIP of it here: )

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        It's georgeous <3 <3 But get well Soon Sayh ; ) Remmember I saw u last desu but too shy to say hi X'D My bad....

        Just wanna meet him in person so I can say hi and thank him for being my main reason along with Skarpen to introduce me to the fandom :3

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      P.S. Forgot to reply to the second part. *derp* We may go to Desu (not Banzai), but still haven't decided yet. And yeah, CC is always nice. :)

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    Wow. . I'm glad you guys made it home okay- and I hope he feels better soon!

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    hope Sayh get better soon

    there will be more cons but as you said, health is number one

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    Hope Sayh get better soon!

    Healthy and safety first, even thought it suck when it happens =\

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    Awww sorry to hear that. Was looking forward to seeing you both again :( anyway hope that sayh gets better soon and will just see you at the next con :) take care both of you!

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    What a bummer! I hope he feels better, do you guys have dramamine over there? it helps with dizziness.

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      Dramamie? Sounds like something a lot of people on the internet have too much of on a regular occasion OvO

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        It's just for motion sickness ;) but it works for general dizziness too ;)