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Cyberspace Thoughts by sand9798

Why do we apologize to the internet when we're not around? I feel the same concerns actually, such as in what if I could not update here for a long time etc. (meaning months). From what I remember from the early 00's with personal sites people did not really say one way or another (not a major thing). DA circa '06 did always display when you last logged in for everyone to see. When riding the image waterfall there occasionally, I have noticed the "popular 8 hrs" option. Can we keep up?

Cyberspace Thoughts


Journal Information



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    I like to talk to I think I apologize when I'm gone a few days because I miss talking to those people. XD

    But, then, I'm kinda weird anyways, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! XD

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      It's O.K. I understand the feeling. I was on DA today and found 8 hrs is now the only option for popular work... so 24 hrs is now a long time.

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        I'm not surprised.................DA seems to be a gathering of people with ADD or stuff like that, if you don't get attention within the day, you rarely get attention. XD

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    Having constant access is nearly an expectation now - not just for work, but socially as well. I still don't have mobile email; if somebody emails me at the "wrong" time, it can be up to 12 hours before I see it. In my experience, this is just starting to become a social liability, similar to what happened when I didn't have a cell phone at all in the mid-2000s. I finally got a cell phone back then, partly for work, and partly so everyone would stop hassling me about not having one.

    Another piece of the puzzle is that some people feel like their art / photography / comments are a brand or a channel, just like TV. Most TV channels run 24 hours, so they feel like they should keep promoting their brand/channel continuously. They apologize for being gone, because it seems as strange to them as if the Wall Street Journal didn't publish a paper for a few days, or CNN went off the air for a few days.

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      Your right with how people think about themselves like a channel or newspaper.

      I was on dialup till the last part of 2012. In a sense I still limit some things but at least the waiting is gone.