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One Week Commissions reminder! by Nommz

Figured I'd give a reminder to folks like I said I would! I'll be opening for both on January 18th, around 5PM EST.

Deets here:
Slots vs. Slavestreams here:

Alright! Just to refresh folks, here's how it works.
There will be a link to a Google Form for you to fill out! This form will be open until midnight on Thursday night (between Thurs-Fri). I'll be taking 15 slots. The first 8 to fill in a form are guaranteed a slot, the other 7 will be handpicked by me! After they've all been selected, I'll email the folks who got a slot to start up the whole process! We'll discuss details, I'll send invoices, and work on thumbnail sketches. Once all that communication has been figured out, they'll be put on the queue proper! Whoever finished that whole process first will be worked on first, and I'll go down the line in order. Once I'm finished the queue, I'll open for more!

Same as always! The link is exactly the same as before, but I'll link it in the journal for convenience. The link will take you to a booking site! Select your time that you'd like to book a stream for. You can navigate to different weeks with the arrows at the top of the lil calendar. Select how many hours you'd like and all the other info, and book it! The site should send you an automated email. Reply to it before the Sunday prior to your stream to confirm your slot! I'll need at least a vague idea of what you're planning for the stream, even if its "I'll give you ideas in stream". I'll send an invoice which needs to be paid before your stream as well!

As usual, if you have ANY QUESTIONS AT ALL, please ask! Either through here, note, or email!

One Week Commissions reminder!


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