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2017 Commissions Info! by Nommz

Alright, so tentative date for commissions opening is January 18th. I've got a couple things taking place in January, so it couldn't be much sooner than that. As stated a bunch of times before, its gonna be done in batches, as opposed to my previous method of keeping the form open. As also stated a bunch of times before, this previous method just turned out to be confusing and inefficient. My apologies for those running into troubles with that!

Now, with slavestreams also running concurrently, normal slot commissions may run into some delays! Sometimes slavestreams can be quite numerous, but others they can be practically nonexistent, so its hard to give any exact turnaround date. Anticipate that if there are a lot of slavestreams clogging my worktime, it may take upwards of a month or two to receive the finished piece. I work down the queue as I normally do; whoever gets through the thumbnail process first will be at the top of the queue. For this first batch, I think I'll be taking 15 slots to see how long that takes me (I'll adjust that number if needed for future batches). Unlike previous batches, I won't be seperating the slots into different kinds of commissions (not taking x sketches, x flats, x paintings, etc), so it'll be just 15 of whatever I get! When the form opens up, it'll be open for a full 24 hours! The first 8 to fill in a form will get a slot, whereas the remaining 7 slots will be handpicked by me. You can submit as many forms as you like, but I'll only allow 1 from any one person to make it onto the queue. I'll be emailing the folks who get a slot once the form closes. If you'd like me to send you the commission details you submitted on a previous form, email me!

With that change in how commissions are handled, that would mean that there will be potential downtime when I should be streaming in between commission batches, as I like to give at least several days forewarning of when commissions will open. I'll likely try to fill this with in-stream commissions or quick YCHs or other such things! They'll be VERY spur of the moment, so whoever is ready at the time will benefit. I'll likely announce such things on Twitter, @DragoNommz or @NommzArts, first!

Another thing that was generally unaddressed in 2016 was commission upgrades. They were always available, but never requested, assumedly because the commissioning process was confusing. My apologies! You can upgrade your commission from sketch > flats > shaded or from speedpainting > full painting. These are almost entirely independent from the batches; you can request them whenever you like. Just send me an email! They'll be thrown onto the queue wherever there's space. As a reminder, the cost to upgrade a commission depends on the piece: (whatever the upgraded cost of the piece would have been) - (whatever the cost of the piece you want upgraded was) + $1. This, of course, only using current prices - doesn't matter what you paid for it at the time! For instance, say you got a sketch with 1 character and a complex background, and you'd like to upgrade it to a fully shaded sketch. Shaded, it would've cost $160. As a sketch, regardless of what you ACTUALLY paid for it, it would've cost $56. So to upgrade it, it would cost 120-56+1, or $65. If the piece never made it to a finalized sketch, email me and I'll give you an estimate on price. If you'd like to get a slavestream to upgrade/finish your piece, you are more than welcome to, but be aware that its not guaranteed that it will be finished in time.

The slavestream form shall open on the same date. The corresponding slots should include the following several weeks after opening. I don't foresee any changes to the way these work, so it should all be the same stuff! I'll repost this information closer to the date, as well.

My Terms of Service, with loads of important information, can be found here:

As always, if you have ANY QUESTION AT ALL regarding ANY form of commission, comment here, or note/DM, or email me! It can be quite a lot to take in, but I'm doing my best to accommodate as many folks as I can, and keep you all as informed as possible! If I forgot any important information I'll be sure to edit this post.

2017 Commissions Info!


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