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Slavestreams vs. Commission Slots by Nommz

Alright! Figure a little bonus journal would help. I noticed during 2016 that a lot of folks would grab slavestreams for just a single image. While they usually were simple enough that they still got their money's worth, I realized that there was an issue with the availability of commissions, and thus with the system of the always open commission form. Didn't want people feeling like they HAD to get a slavestream to get work done. Therefore I did away with it! I also want to go over the intended benefits/uses for both methods of commissions, just so folks are less intimidated by the multiple options and feel certain of what they're getting from me!
You should probably get a commission slot if you:
...only want a single image.
...want a very complex image or series of images.
...are patient and don't mind waiting.
...are unsure of your commission idea and would benefit from the thumbnail process to be certain.
...want an intricate interaction between characters, especially more than 2.
...want an image with many micros involved.

You should probably get a slavestream if you:
...have many ideas with fairly simple concepts or few full figures.
...are impatient or need your commission done by a certain day.
...have vague commission ideas and would be fine with most any outcome.
...need simple reference shots of a character, or multiple.
...want a simple interaction or posing between characters.
...have lots of time to devote into getting many images/streams, and thus saving money compared to getting them all individually.

I'm not trying to sound condescending or ridicule anyone who's done different to what's here; I'm just trying to provide as much advice as possible to folks so they can get the most bang for their buck! By all means, you are free to commission me as you please, I just want to help folks get what they want. A lot of folks have been very happy with the results of their commissions, and I want to make sure that trend continues. As usual, feel free to ask me any questions you may have! There's lots of information I throw at you guys, my apologies.

Slavestreams vs. Commission Slots


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  • Link

    Thanks for putting this information (and these options) out there. My work schedule is far too random to attend streams so a regular commission option is always appreciated.

    • Link

      Indeed! The option was always available, I just worry I didn't do a good job communicating that to everyone.