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[MAKING OF] "Floating Rooms" Overview by Lollie

[MAKING OF] "Floating Rooms" Overview


Casey LaLonde

Casey LaLonde - Floating Rooms: [Get it @ Bandcamp]
See Also: [PROMO] Casey LaLonde - Floating Rooms

Available in 60fps HD, if your browser supports it!

This is a quick overview of the little details that were created as part of the promotional video for Casey LaLonde's "Floating Rooms", details which were either too small to observe or were ultimately obscured. Also, notes about the Low Poly Fallow himself, and a huge excuse to experience the impact of producing a 60fps video first-hand (hint: more than double the render time).

A lot of "firsts" for me during the promo's production. I have a lot to learn, and I'm enjoying every second of it.

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  • Link

    Amazing work, both of you! Thanks for sharing this cool production promo.

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      Glad you enjoyed it, thank you!

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    Can I just learn all your beautiful secrets via osmosis because JFC

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      How to learn all secrets: Go into things with the explicit purpose of making dumb jokes and then accidentally gain skillset.

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    really wish youtube had a 720p@30 option, as my potato can't handle running 60fps youtube video, but hey that's not your fault!
    love to see production vids or any sort of BtS or dev commentary for basically any sort of work, especially ones that i already really appreciate in an artistic sense (such as FR's cover and promo vid!)

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      BTS/dev commentary videos are pretty much my lifeblood. So much can be learned just from seeing how directors/developers tackled certain scenes, or seeing how everything evolved in production. It's important information to share!

      I might have to save off a 30fps version of the video anyway, Vimeo doesn't currently support 60fps. I can give you a heads-up when it's uploaded if you want!

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        I must have played through all VALVe's games that I own in commentary mode at least twice each by now, so I think we're on the same page, heh
        Also, it fascinates me to no end how ubiquitous those exact studio monitors are in media, with that same colour scheme and everything. (Though, if you really could get them in hexagon flavour, I'd probably be all over that myself) And no worries on notifying me, I'll probably end up seeing it on Vimeo either shortly after it's uploaded, or about a year later once I already have a new computer than can handle YouTube's 60fps player :L

  • Link

    AHHH this is fantastic~
    If I had to make one criticism it's that putting in something like "I still have a lot to learn" feels really insecure, and kinda depreciates how lovely and honestly professionally put together this video is. It's great work. I love the smoke from the cigarette. ALL SO STYLISH.

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      Thank you!
      It's honest in context, though I mean it earnestly too! I really do have a lot to learn, and that's an awesome thing. I've gotta own my errors and make better stuff out of them.

      Also that smoke was a fun thing to figure out, but After Effects did not like it one bit. So much crashing.

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    We just might have to commission you for a project one day!

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    Do you plan on releasing the remix to this eventually? I really like it!

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      Eventually! I actually made the remix specifically for the video, so what you hear is all that exists. I want to figure out the best way to extend it into a full-length mix before I release it.