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Entirety Alien species: the Ferron by FamiliarAlien

Entirety Alien species: the Ferron


First result of the latest poll I made. Deviantart wanted "something prehistoric" so here you go.

Kinda glad they asked for that because it let me get the trinity of Tempae done. As noted before there are 3 races on that planet, these guys, the Chi'Tsao and the Ginaga.

Ferron are actually one of the first species I decided for Entirety besides the Ginaga and another specie I still haven't drawn yet. The reason was the original concept of the story had the Ferron being the main villains but as the story evolved they've become a much more developed and interesting overall race. There are bad Ferron i the story but there are plenty of good ones as well.

Some stuff I kinda ran out of room to explain in this are:

a) Ferron main weapon is their two toes on each foot that has long claws on them. They're kinda like raptor dinosaurs in that sense.

b) Male Ferron sometimes leave their home planet to learn the local dances of the area. You see kinda like a lot of birds on earth they can impress females through dance. This way a male can form his own harem instead of fighting another male for his. So yes this specie can break dance itself into the hearts of the ladies :B.

Also on a final note before someone says it: yes the males are intentionally kinda ridiculous looking. One big problem I have with sci fi is often aliens for no given reason have the same standards of beauty as humans. Ferron are similar to birds/dinosaurs so I figure their standards would be kinda like peacocks and other similar avians.

So enjoy!

Entirety and all concepts related to it belong to Galactic goat (me!)

9 more races to go! :iconlapdanceplz:

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    Why do I find their faces so adorable? ;u; Eee. Really digging these designs.

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      aww, thank you :D also no idea, they're suppose to look not so cute but I guess cute is in the eye of the beholder.