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Guiding Light - Furries Furever Art Book by Eskiworks

Guiding Light - Furries Furever Art Book


Here is the big illustration I did for the upcoming furry art tutorial book called "Furries Furever", the third in a series published by IMPACT and put together by Lindsay Cibos and Jared Hodges. The 128 page full color book features art by myself and several other furry artists, as we explore our painting and drawing process. For my part, there are step-by-step instructions on how I dis this painting and others.

When I was asked to do a full illustration for the book featureing ANY anthro animal I wanted, I abslutely had to pick bats. Bats are one of my most favorite animals in the entire world! They are are only group of mammals to achieve true powered flight, their variety is stunningly vast and fascinating, and they are incredibly important to the ecosystems they occupy. Here, and anthro bat parent guide their young through a firefly filled night on the little one's first flight.

According to Amazon, the release date is August 13. Here in the US, Lindsay says she often sees the first two books in the series at Michaels and Barnes and Noble, so those will be good places to find it.
Here are some places you can preorder it online:
Barnes & Noble
Impact Publisher

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    This is incredible!

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    Are bats actually as blind as the phrase "blind as a bat" would imply? o: Or is that just a myth?

    It looks really nice, bat wings are heckin' cool and that lantern makes for some great lighting.

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      Nope, That's a myth! ^^ There are over a thousand species of bats, so it's possible there is a species that has very poor vision, but bats generally are not blind. Many insectivorous bats utilize sonar to navigate the night world as they fly about hunting for insects, because even animals with awesome vision would have a hard time pinpointing a moth as high speed in the air in pitch black. I'm not 100% sure where that saying came from, but bats are most definitely not blind!

      /end bat facts. XD

      Also, thank you for the kind compliments!

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        I guess that makes sense. o: Probably like a lot of other animals, all the senses work fine but one (like hearing) is better than the others |D

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    I did not know about this artbook! :O That's an absolutely gorgeous picture, though! I do love my bats.

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    MOAR BATS :D I may purchase these art books. Because I am trying to learn at some point.