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Songs of Fidonhaal: "Eternal Grace" by WulfeVanDerKross

Songs of Fidonhaal: "Eternal Grace"


by Lucas Gant / WulfeVanDerKross

A dirge from the world of Fidonhaal, specifically written for the grief of a widow or widower for the loss of his or her spouse. First featured in the novel The Saga of Fidonhaal: Daughters of the East, which is available in both digital-book and print-on-demand paperback formats on
The monotheistic deity of the Fidons, who regard him as the sole and supreme creator of existence. Onu’s name translates quite simply to “The One.”
The Fidons’ name for the mortal plane of existence. “Dodmor” translates to “mortal/subject to death/subject of death or mortality,” and “haal” translates to “place,” the scope of which can range from an individual’s home, a country, the entire world, or an entire “sphere” of the reality or all of existence itself, depending on the name of the “place.” Thus, “Dodmorhaal” translates into something to the effect of “Place of Mortals” or “Mortal Domain.”
The eternal, divine realm of Onu. The name of this place translates into something to the effect of “Onu’s Place/Home” or “Realm of Onu.” It is effectively the “Heaven” or everlasting afterlife-paradise, of Fidon lore.

I gaze upon your silent face,
Which now lies veiled in eternal grace.
I ache with yearning for your lips,
To once more feel the warmth of your kiss
And hear the voice that always set my heart alight.
Your eyes, through which I saw your soul,
And felt Onu’s love, and thus felt whole,
Have been hollow and locked since your spirit took flight.
I gaze upon your silent face,
Which now lies veiled in eternal grace.
Your heart, which once raced beside mine,
Lies still and silent; silent as mine.
My heart is as one who has been robbed in the night.
I wishfully weep for your arms
To embrace me again, and thus warm
This cold soul, but to no avail, plead as I might.
I gaze upon your silent face,
Which now lies veiled in eternal grace.
But even though my grief is great,
My love endures, and I trust to wait
‘Til the day when I too depart from Dodmorhaal.
Then, if by the grace of Onu,
My soul may be rejoined to you,
We’ll relish our bond forever in Onuhaal.
I gaze upon your silent face,
Which now lies veiled in eternal grace.
The joy I trust that we shall have
Does heal my heart and soul as a salve,
And shall keep me ‘til the day I heed Death’s call.
On that day, I shall embrace you
Forevermore, before Onu,
And we’ll share a love with Him that shall never fall.
I gaze upon your silent face,
Which now lies veiled in eternal grace.

Songs of Fidonhaal: "Eternal Grace"


Here is a song from the world of Fidonhaal, my fantasy-adventure setting.
Novel's Amazon Page:

As I continue to try to work my way toward writing another entry for the overall "Saga of Fidonhaal," I thought I'd toss up some of the songs/poems that I've done for the setting and its stories from time to time.

Right now, there's just a few that have been featured in the novel "Daughters of the East," and one that I've done/am working on for what I'm anticipating as my next entry for the "Fidonhaal" library. These others might be posted in due time, but for now, I figured I'd put up the first one I did for the book, the funerary song titled "Eternal Grace," so that folks can read it on its own, as well as have a few lore-tidbits to glance at for a sense of the cultural context of the song.

I hope you find it interesting!