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Green, Blue, and Brown in Grayscale [DAY] by Woofle

Green, Blue, and Brown in Grayscale [DAY]

Green, Blue, and Brown in Grayscale [DAY]


For those of you actually concerned with the storyline (thank you♥!) , this is the song that plays in Rul-Talo, the capital of Pentala, on the Follin Continent, a nation not reached by Elia's influence, that worships the Order of New Gods. Like in Celestion, separation of church and state in Pentala is small. Many members of The Order's private religious army come from Pentala and the surrounding countries (save for Tykondrus which only worships Elia.) This is the final town in Season 3, the last stop before... many things transpire.

I wanted to instill a more coastal, festive feeling for the day version of this song, although it is actually the same file as the night time version (which was written almost a year prior. Yikes. What a difference ...) I added a lot more guitar to drive the song, and make it a little more emotional. The night time version has violin, which trumps pretty much everything in terms of emotion for the most part, but both songs ended up being rather bouncy. That is mostly based on the city's vast population, and robust industry -- why the oceans still even function here, and the port still is in operation (!!!)

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Multimedia / Original Music


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    Really really great stuff @

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      Thanks much! This one and the night one are soooo different! @~@ They were actually done a full year apart though. xD I'm glad you like both!