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Music of the tiny woofle by Woofle

Music of the tiny woofle


This is what my music sounded like when I was a tiny Woofle! I've touched most of them up recently so that they sound less poopy.

Song 1

Written in: 2003

Info: Town music for a game a friend was working on at the time. I believe this played in the first town.

Changes: Sped it up, fixed the drums.

Song 2

Written in: 2001

Info: Was going to be used as a character theme or town theme.

Changes: I changed the lead out for a new one in this cut, as I used the old one for [ something [LINK] ]( [ else [LINK] ]( ... Although it was written on the spot, it came out quite sidescroller friendly.

Song 3:

Written in: 2003

Info: Was originally made as BGM for a dream on Furcadia, where I spent the majority of my teenage years. Ugh... the memories. ._.

Changes: Sped it up a little bit for this cut, and brought out the lead which was buried in the original cut. Added percussion to make the song more lively.

Song 4:

Written in: 2005

Info: Didn't do a whole heck of a lot of writing from 2005-2008. This was one of the few songs I worked on during that time. Suitably bland for that period. >_<;

Changes: None

Note: Used this piano solo again [ later [LINK] ](

Song 5:

Written in: 1999

Info: Oldest song on any of my hard drives (there /might/ be one older, but I've yet to find it.) Written for a silly fan game.

Changes: Touchups include massive quantization. It ate a few notes, but the song was far worse off before I touched it up. Added new percussion, too!

Song 6:

Written in: 2002

Info: Also written for that friend's RPG (most of the stuff written for that was later reused in Elancia Chronicles) -- I believe this was the first 'dungeon' (the main character was a messenger, and needed to run a message to a neighboring town IIRC,) but fox can correct me if I'm wrong.

Enjoy :V

Submission Information

Multimedia / Original Music


  • Link

    I like them all! I wish I could be as good as you... >.<

    • Link

      Well, heck, by the time I'd written even the oldest song in there (Song 5, from '99) I'd been playing piano for several years. So if you want to be good, just keep playing! :D It'll get better as you go!

  • Link

    Whoa, tiny Woofle kicked some serious rear ! That stuff is all really awesome ! Are 1, 2 and 6 available as standalone tunes in their form as heard in this medley thing ?

    • Link

      Yeah, actually! Remind me, once you've caught up on all the comments (so save this one!) and I'll actually turn them into full songs. They won't be very long, since they're so repetitive. XD But yeah!

      • Link

        Ok, I'll remember to remind that :P