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2012: Tsu, the Crashing Star by WanderingRae

2012: Tsu, the Crashing Star


Tsuiraku, a bunny of ambiguous species. Is he a hare? Is he a rabbit? No one knows for sure. Well, except that in this illustration, he's more based on a hare. A hare wielding a very large skillet. So beware. :3

The style this drawing was done in has been floating around in my head for almost a year (maybe even years). It has been a challenge to actually put it on paper. I am quite happy to say, this is the closest I've come so far to integrating a knot-work feel into a figure that actually has a sense of form. I hope to blur the lines further (figuratively and literally) as this style develops.

Please, please, I'd love feedback! :3

This character, Tsuiraku (aka, Tsu), belongs to me. Do not steal him, thank you. :)

Reference photo: Click!

A tattoo-related side-note:

This piece is the closest online example of the tattoos I design (though they are usually filled with more intricate detail). My tattoo designs are generally very personal in nature, specific to the individual they are intended for. To protect the exclusivity an originality of such designs, I do not display them publicly. (Even though sometimes I really want to, lol.)

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    He looks more arctic hare based (and similarly related hares in the arctic). Glad you didnt draw him with paw pads though. I still wonder why people draw rabbits with pink paw pads like they'd do on a cat or dog. 9_6

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      You make a good point, Tetra. I hadn't considered that idea, though in Tsu's case, I think his ears are just a bit too big to be an arctic hare, and he lacks the distinctive, black ear tips.

      It is funny you should mention the paw pads. It never ever occurred to me to wonder if they had pads or not, lol. I suppose I never thought they did. My rabbits certainly never did. XD Who draws paw pads on a lagomorph, anyways? :o

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        Well they dont look TOO big, maybe just a little thinner and taller. Our Hotot has those similar ears. I think if you made his ears long and fan outward, or extend his front legs to the excessive length of the jackrabbit's, it would probably give more of the appearance of a mixed/vague based species of rabbit. But I guess I'm only saying this because there are so many types of wild hare that are brown colored rather than the few that are strictly white. But I still think this is a cute concept regardless. :) The colors and style are really pleasing to the eye, and unique.

        and I mostly just see them copying mostly off of other cartoons and people rather than actually checking out the animal at least once. it's a personal gripe of mine, but it isnt something I get all crazy about. I just ignore it for the most part.

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          Yes, white rabbits/hares are not exactly common (except in certain species, as you've pointed out). In this case, Tsu is white mostly for symbolic reasons rather than because of any reason related to his species. He may well be leucistic; I never really decided. In this drawing, his eyes are cleverly kept shut so I can decide what color they are later. XD

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    I really like that swirly celtic knottish style you incorporated here, like you pointed out. It makes for a nice traditional sort of style, and I can definitely see how it would translate well into tattoos! Once again, I love love loooove your colors and those subtle hues that bring it all together. And your style is a nice blend of realism with good anatomy, and your own personal fling of uh styleization for lack of a better word 8U It's pretty inspiring, either way!

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      Thanks, Airu! I am glad you appreciate the details of this drawing. I've been meaning to do more stuff like this. Perhaps I will make a point of it in my next painting. I still have to fine-tune the style and find a middle-ground between "realism" and knotwork. I imagine it will involve loosing and finding the edges of some knots (well, not the knots themselves, but the lines leading to them). Wish me luck! :D

      Also, the tattoo versions tend to be more intricate and fill the figure rather than just outlining it. They are so fun to make. :3

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        Good luck, of course! I know it will look awesome either way, but I know how it is to want to make yourself proud, either way!

        I do tattoos on people, but oddly enough, I don't draw any of those really nice delicate designs, myself... I am just too messy and impatient for them D: I would rather trace them on the skin lolol But I would love to see what your tattoo designs end up looking like! :D

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          You do tattoos?? :O So cool!

          I love doing all the delicate designs, but I cannot do full-blown tattoo designs too much. It sends my perfectionist side into over-drive, lol. I try to make a point of not encouraging my perfectionism anymore than I have to. XD

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            I haven't had the chance to do very many so far, but I think I have gotten doing a certain type of lineart down, for now XD Just gotta get more time to get other techniques good enough to really be able to do more kinds of tats!

            Ah yeah I can understand that... sometimes with certain designs or ideas it can be really nerve wracking knowing it's going on someone's skin permanently. You gotta really make sure everything looks right!