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Amblypygid by Vera



Since I notice there's a photography section on here, I thought I'd post some of my favorite photos. Most of these will be pet and nature-related, especially invertebrates. Hopefully they will provide inspiration and/or decent reference for anyone looking to draw them/anthro versions of them! If you have any particular anatomical curiosities about invertebrates, I'd be happy to help.

Here's my pet amblypygid fresh after a molt. He faded to black and tan/brown after hardening, but while they are freshly molted, their colors range from a vivid yellow-green to deep blue! Amblypygids are arachnids, but form a separate order of their own alongside spiders, scorpions and others in the class. They are virtually harmless to humans. They hunt insects by using their long (usually longer in male species) pedipalps to grasp prey. They can pinch with these, but prefer to run instead of fight, so this is rare unless they're posed no other option. Their extremely long, delicate whips (feelers) are used to navigate dark caves.

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Visual / Photography


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    Wow! that is a beautiful blue!

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    Wow what a lil cutie pie!!

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    On the one hand I think they are totaly facinating, on the other, they are one of the few arthopods that scares me. ^^"
    But nice picture nevertheless, I think it must habe been quite a challenge to get it? I heard some owners never see their pets because they hide the whole time.

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    Guaba! :D There were a ton of these wild where I'm from. They're fascinating and pretty and yet mildly terrifying ;^;

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    where can you get one?

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    How big are these? It's hard to tell without something to reference nearby.

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    Look at those colors @_@

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    That blue is gorgeous. I often wish my hissers would keep some of the neat colors they go through after molting. It's such a neat process to watch.

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    Amblypiggy! :D You'd probably like this shirt: