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Games I have been playing, part 5 by Unimpressive

Games I have been playing, part 5


Athena: Ahahaha, this game is so hilariously unfair. It wants to be a typical arcade quarter-sucker, but it's way too discouraging for that. God help me, though, I think I actually legitimately enjoy this game sometimes.

El Shaddai: This actually is one of my all-time favourites, though. It's absolutely gorgeous beginning to end, the combat is fun and rewards skill more than button-mashing, and the story is rich with that unique brand of lunacy that can only come from a Japanese video game about Abrahamic religion.

Dark Souls: Hi! My name is Gavin and I'm a wanderer. I enjoy backtracking, bullshit disguised as difficulty, and making ridiculously brutal games even harder by spending all my equipment upgrades really stupidly. I also turned my best shield into a unique greatshield that I can't lift.

Battle Fantasia: Cedric is totally stealing my look with the mantle and glasses there! Except I don't borrow my shorts from Lara Croft.

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    This is the one thing I don't like about Weasyl so far, these resolution restrictions on gallery views.

    • Link

      The download link shows it full size. I'd prefer it to show full-size on the page, but I'm sure it'll get a fix sooner or later.

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    yay for Battle Fantasia! I am good with the rabbit X3

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      I played Face, mostly because of his awesome mask and Tekisasu!. I'm pretty sure I've forgotten how to play the game completely by now, though.

      • Link

        it's been a long time since I played too. Face was pretty cool.

        Also, your character looks cute in these outfits. Especially that top one.

        • Link

          Dressing up is fun! That top outfit does seem to get a lot of attention. I wonder why.

          • Link

            skimpy gets plenty of attention~

            also, what did you think of Dark Souls? been playing Demons Souls and tried Dark Souls but hated it Dx

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              I thought Demon's Souls was much better, personally. The Estus Flask and limited sorcery castings are a great solution to the problems with consumable herbs, but the free roaming structure does nothing for the game but add a ton of backtracking to a formula that's already thick with repetition. When I got fed up with a sticking point in Demon's Souls, it was easy to go try something else and come back later, but when I got stuck in Dark Souls, I had to either keep beating my head against that brick wall or resign myself to wading through the Catacombs and the Tomb of the Giants all over again. You can warp, which should help, but the warp points are absolutely stupid - I remember three that were separated by practically nothing but an elevator, and several at empty boss chambers with no exits, and none that really alleviate the problem with getting stuck. Scattering the blacksmiths was an unnecessary pain in the ass, and the recycled scenarios like the dragon on the bridge were kind of lame, and big problems with the first game like the godawful PVP really shouldn't have gone unfixed. So yeah, I've got a few gripes.

              • Link

                Thank You! everywhere I went people praised the game as if it were the greatest thing to exist. It's said to be the hardest game ever, but I don't see it. I'm having such an easy time killing everything as a Royalist in Demons Souls and it's not so hard as it's just inconvenient and very annoying t get use to the mechanics, especially the movement when you have to drop down to a lower platform, your character decides he needs to launch himself off =/ I've also witnessed many glitches and invisible walls.

                But I still prefer Demons Souls, it's more playable and Boleteria happens to be one of the most beautiful castles in any game I've ever seen.

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                  I have a feeling Dark Souls was more of a phenomenon mostly because it wasn't a PS3 exclusive. It reached a much wider audience, and everyone who didn't buy a PS3 didn't have Demon's Souls to compare Dark Souls to. It's not a terrible game, and I did beat it once and sink at least 150 hours into it, but it frustrates me a lot.

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    "lunacy that can only come from a Japanese video game about Abrahamic religion"


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      In retrospect El Shaddai is actually not really that good, but I still like it a lot and this is about a third of the reason.