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[Venting Art] Alone & Unwanted... by Ulvra

[Venting Art] Alone & Unwanted...


The world news yesterday utterly crushed me, more over other things happened before and after which only made everything worse, things of a personal matter that I will not go further into, however everything that happened made this piece feel suddenly very relevant again...

I struggle with many emotions and sometimes there's just things that cannot be said with words, that might instead be said through art... this is one such piece, a piece of venting artwork. I felt abandoned and unwanted, like the last puppy left from a litter, left in a box... the last puppy that no one wanted...

Making this piece helped me cope with some of the feelings... they are not gone and have gotten a resurgence after yesterday, but at least it helped me to process the feelings.

Today I still commonly make references to curling up in my box, to joke and be cute, but also because those feelings are still there and none have yet to come and pick up this last puppy to take her away to a safe home... but maybe someday...

  • Puppy Ulvra & artwork is copyright me ♥ 2016

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    Very real and close to home

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      Aye... I had some really heavy feelings to work through. This one still comes back now and then, but with support from important ones and by cutting out negative influences it's helping me. I hope it will for you too.