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I hurt so I'm drawing and writing by Uluri

I hurt so I'm drawing and writing


HEY YO, This is a Vent. Fair Warning. Topics, you know?

I am in an absurd amount of emotional distress at the moment. My head feels like fireworks. The past week has been filled with topics that have made my soul feel so painful and bringing up so much for my brain to handle at once. 

I miss being a puppy. I miss my dog mom. I miss being small. I hate this noodly human body. I miss my mom mom. I wish people didn't harass people. The fucking discourse between anthros against ferals lately. And the sheer amount of people who harass others for different interests (sfw and nsfw alike). My head's on fire right now and I don't even know where to start. 

I guess maybe the weird one the art is about. I was raised as a baby along with puppies by the family dog mom. She would take me and the puppies around. My dog family was un-alived by neighbors via poison (all before I was 2). I never liked being human, and the more I grew, the harder it has gotten for me to move my body how I want it to. I really miss my dog family. I'm a feral fursona, though i've never dared to say i would be a therian or otherkin. People attack and harass people for labels. So I'm a feral character. Damn how much I would love to have a tail to wag when I'm happy and curl up into.

I miss being a puppy. I miss being small. I want to be small again so much. I really love small things so much, and I want to be. I want to crawl into small spaces and stay in them for a while. Just hide in a hole in the dark for a little bit. I want to climb on things without them breaking. I hate being long. I know I'm a bit small in human, but I still can't get past how long parts of me are. I can't move the way I want being noodly. 

I'm not talking about any one particular site or art community either with some of this discourse i mentioned previously. I don't talk about things because the art community as a whole has a bit of a bad issue with some weird ass supiriority complex of "my interests are better than yours." I can't stand that. Get over yourselves. Let people live.

And I guess I'll end here, because I have too many things my brain's exploding about. Brain Vomit End. I'm not sobbing anymore. Still upset with all my memories happening, but the last few hours organizing my head and typing and drawing helped. From the time I started writing this to now are hours apart from each other. a lot was erased and rewritten and erased and deleted. A lot happened this week. 

I'll lock comments if I see arguing/discourse of any kind in my comments. I am NOT up for people making fun of or harassing people over anything, especially now. i just wanted to type.

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    Never hurts to get things off your chest... hope you find balance in your life.

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    People like those kinds of jerks are why I hate the internet, in general. And why I am on so few sites and am not active beyond my favorite sites. And why I left Fur Affinity. :(

    I hope you feel better soon. And I hope the jerks become fewer around your life, online and in reality.