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Comish - Any Last Words? by TwilightSaint

Comish - Any Last Words?


'Any last words, punk?'

'Oh, dear God, not the face!'

Seriously. Does anyone remember, back in the day, when Super Soakers were powerful enough to take the skin off your squishy little child body? But you didn't care because it was about 100 degrees outside and the water was sooo cold and it hurt so bad being shot point-blank, but seeing your opponent's face scrinch up in pain made it all worth it? Those were the glory days~

Cell-shaded commission for Stormkern over on FA of Solaris, (orange on the left,) pitched in a not-so-even battle with his smallish henchman.

Hahaha, loved working on this one, and I'm in love with how it turned out. ^^ I had to add a bit of a background, too, like a tropical island sort of look.

Also, this totally reminded me how much I love cell shading. Expect my next batch of commissions, (sometime within the next few weeks,) to be cell shading, omg.

Minion's water gun based off the Super Soaker Monster XL, and Solaris' off of the Electrostorm, both changed up and some high-tech elements added for a bit of a sci-fi touch.

Thanks a lot, Stormkern! Hope you like it!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital