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Comish - ...And Intruders Shall Perish by TwilightSaint

Comish - ...And Intruders Shall Perish


Epic Scene Commission for Cjros over on FurAffinity of Aneiren, the sea serpent Leviathan, embroiled in battle with Vailynn, the Worgen! Who is encroaching on whose territory...?

This is, hands down, the biggest piece of the year, and for the past long while - if not /the/ largest piece I've done, simply due to the sheer scale, (the full-resolution piece is roughly as large as my Ultimate Reference Sheets!) I was super happy with how the thumbnail turned out, and really wanted to emphasis on the powers of the two characters, as well as their environment!

I did something totally different for this piece - shading/highlighting them with the background elements visible, (I usually hide these if they overlap the characters,) but I found that that really helped me focus on connecting the characters to the cavern. I also went a bit wild on the atmospheric perspective effects, blurring and making the distant parts of Aneiren low contrast and low saturation, while really packing in the detail on the closest portions of his maw and neck and the details on Vailynn's armour.

Also, dat mushroom~ <3

Check my front page for links to Commission Information and availability.

Thanks, Cjros!

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Visual / Digital


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    And it came out really well so I hope you're pleased with it :) Love those tetures and the depth that came with having strong details out the front and less in the back. The glowy mushroom is good as it counters the glowy maw and draws attention to the little guy down there, might be easy to miss otherwise :)

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    The lighting effects are great.