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Pokemon: Escape Denied by ToxicCreed

Pokemon: Escape Denied


They had been exploring a nearby cave when the sounds of shuffling were heard. Delaine had wanted to explore the cave that Invincible had apparently found a Crystal Onix in to see what else would or could turn up... if there had been such a valuable Pokemon in the area he wanted to know more about what else could be around. So far, they'd only encountered a handful of zubat... a couple Geodudes and then some odds and ends like a Noibat but that had been about it. Having logged everything in his small notebook so that he could take it back to Taiko for later, knowing that his lover would enjoy having more information about the Pokemon in the area he had been about to go back when he heard Grom'ral running off... "GROM! Wait where do you think you're going!?"

Ugh Deino... they were such a handful but thankfully Delaine knew how to handle them well enough. But well, the mystic was now chasing after the young dragon as it was bolting off... "Grom stop!" He snapped out, but well there was no listening or obeying coming from Grom'ral at the moment nope, he seemed very intent on charging after whatever it was he got wind of.

As Delaine was catching up with Grom he noted that they were in a cavern lake chamber, grass was springing up around a large spring of water in the center of the room and that's when Delaine noticed what the Deino was after... it had been a Larvitar that was taking a drink near the waters edge. Well sorry for the rude interruption but you were getting pounced and pinned to the ground by said Deino who had been running after you "Great find Grom." Delaine let out with a low chuckle "I think we should see if this guy wants to come with us..."

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