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The Night Life in the Skies by TheShaggyDragon

The Night Life in the Skies


Alrighty ive been really on the a Deep Pulse Era Binge mentally as of recent and I've really wanted to do a drawing of the Sky Isles for a while so here is kinda a rough outline of this region as it is a major one by the time of the Deep Pulse, not as major as the landmasses below it (as that IS the world and the DragonScape) but as with everything in this dragon'd world its a bit of a doozy so here we go.
alrighty so the Skysles is a technically globally spanning series of islands in the sky that are held up by one of the most powerful Balar in the DragonScape, Sila the Serpent of the Clouds
so first i want to talk about her
Sila Or with the sivilao pronunciation, Siyillia is the Bal in question
She holds up the islands because she is homesick mostly. she was one of the Balar who actually had a vested interest in the sivilao of the old world known as Ohndem
and of course lost all that when the pulse happened, ripping her into the physical fold and effectively shutting her out from ohndem and destroying most of it (eventually almost all of it)
so she held on to the barren rocks of the old reality for a keepsake and for a century these would almost entirely stay like that
Eventually however dragons would start wandering up. it's a long hike as these islands fly roughly around the 10,000-15,000 foot altitude range
early explorers of the islands were a mix of Drekir wyverns looking for a safe place to build a home, sivilao mavotur trying to see if anything is recoverable or later on looking to gather knowledge on the rocks
and humans, who mostly would stay away from these as the intense magic radiating from sila and the skyles can easily drekify a human by proximity
So early settlement fell upon the Drekir for the most part. during the post pulse for the most part the drekir settlements of the skysles were notably sparse and light. generally due to the lack of trees and anything to make large scale agriculture really viable, these rocks for a while didn't even have grass as they were basically just big balls of dirt and rock
The first true complex townships, city states and kingdoms would start to give rise around 175 years post pulse (i think ill just abbreviate that with pp)
during the pulse fractures more of the land from the world of Ohndem would be flung into our reality, and most of it would be caught by Sila, looking to preserve as much as possible. By the end of the pulse fractures sila had expanded herself to be longer than 4500 miles in length to catch and hold all of these islands
resulting in several thousand islands of varying sizes, that drekir from around the world would come to settle over the next several hundred years

So with that rough history out of the way some cool stuff about the Skyles and some early thoughts of inhabitants
1) The Skysles move with Sila as she slithers through the clouds, due to this the skysles will gradually and slowly creep around the entire world. usually going over each continent about once per 20 or so years, you'll know when it's there as the sky will appear cloudy as far as the eye can see
as sila keeps herself shrouded in special clouds to help her channel and siphon the mana from the world to fuel her power, which is needed to hold the skysles high
often it will take weeks if not months for the entirity of the skysles to pass over a spot on the ground, allowing some decently prolonged interactions with the folks 10,000 feet down on the ground
the gradual migration of these islands and sila usually means that the skysles are a huge mashup of different ideas, cultures, and groups. Prospective immigrants that lack the wings of hte Drekirhimi or Mavotur might take to riding a Lind or a mana flying device of some type to make it high enough
of course living in the skysles as someone who isn't winged will make life a bit difficult for you but you live with your own choices Mitch
2) While you can find thousands of Islands being held up by Silas many fingers there are generally about 5 or 6 massive "clusters"
one being above Sila's head, the next two further along her back, two spread vastly far apart on the lower half of her tail, and one at the tip
there are islands between these clusters but the gap between islands quickly starts turning into dozens of miles instead of hundreds of yards
so journeying to another cluster is a difficult prospect for even skilled fliers
the end result is that I would imagine more specific culturally distinct groups developing in different clusters with different philosophies which i wanna briefly touch on
3) The Skysles are affected by weather even though they are technically above the clouds
this is because sila. Sila actually quite appreciates the rocks of the world she used to enjoy looking at are brimming with life and once it became clear to her that the early settlers were there to stay she started to encourage their efforts by bringing in supportive rain, wind, and even clouds above the skysles
these are supernatural clouds and the weather anomalies are often incredibly mana heavy, but it allows dragons up in the skysles to keep a somewhat consistent farming schedule
It is a bit inconsistent however, this is due to the fact that Sila is trying to care for all of the islands while also holding up all of the islands. so she can't take care of all of them at once
so its best to stockpile water and other resources where you can and trade with the wingless ones at the world's bottom
now lastly for the folks of the Skysles
Generally to start off with you really only see either Mavotur Wyverns or Drekirhimi Wyvrens most of the time, there are some niche cases that ill get to later but generally the skysles are too high up and too difficult to safely navigate for anyone who doesn't have wings, or isn't riding a winged creature, or doesn't have a flying vehicle

so generally the denizens of these islands are almost always wyverns of one sort or another
As for the types of cultures I am thinking about for hte Skysles i think i can roughly break them up into a few categories
The Merchant Kings Is sorta the first archetype i had, I imagine having the luxury of slowly circumnavigating the world every 1/4 century is a pretty dandy economic oppurtunity for those who know how to trade and barter well and i think it would be a cool idea for many of the dragon groups up high in the sky to be kingdoms and societies built off of trade with the ground dwelling drekir
constantly sending drekir merchants and guards down to trade with locals, gather resources, and other stuff to gain more wealth for their own civilizations
I imagine that could be a cool interaction, I imagine these might be the biggest and wealthiest groups and typically the ones that are the most aggressive since they want to dominate the sky below sila so as to get the most traders and merchants to the ground for their groups benefit
and I imagine them being the most extravagant with their spending (the drawing above I could see being a snapshot of a merchant kingdom
Cloud Pirates I feel are something that would thrive in this type of environment
Drekir and Mavotur who try and capitalize on the occasional isolation of islands as they drift a little too far away from their cluster for raids and robbery. they may also target drekir on the ground
I think the nuance here would be in the details of these groups
so im just gonna move on as that takes more time and thought that i need to spend and think about
Sivilao Hideaways This would be mostly mavotur and maybe a prejag or two trying to rebuild a kingdom atop these islands, perhaps the prejag's magic may of helped the lower castes get this high
and with sivilao archetecture and magical power perhaps they may start bridging islands together to form new Ofuthar in the skies
its a cool premise in my head but one i wanna think about more
More Isolated groups might be a bit harder to explain
these could be ground breeds of drekir from powerful nations on the ground (like Cydonia or what became of Guardioes da Mina) who could afford to set up an outpost, embassy, or other type of station on one of the sky islands
or it could be a small cult hiding in isolation away from the more populated clusters of islands
and other things which would be harder to explain
and then one of my favorite things to think about and discuss in the DragonScape
I think generally speaking religion in the Skysles (or the skisles that might read better hm)
but religion would likely involve Sila as a central aspect of worship and praise. afterall Sila is literally the one to thank for all of this
there is no beating around the bush with that
so Imagine the vast amount of churches, temples, convents, or other religious structures and societies would be devoted to Sila primarily, perhaps there may be some secondary topics of worship like the Raddir
An Inverse could be the belief that Sila is imprisoning the islands, a misinterpretation of sila's actions
so perhaps there are groups trying to detach an island or two from silas grasp
believing itll fly freely without silas influence (it won't work like that as a brief spoiler)
But yeah one of the cool things about there being different clusters if the variations of religion, while im sure many a wyvern will agree that sila is pretty great, it might be more about the details that and methods of worship that spark the most interest in diversifying the religions of the region
But yeah i think thats a good starting ramble on the Skysles, or Skisles, ill answer that question soon enough
but yeah any thoughts you folks have on the Skylands... the skiles, the Sky Isles.
im just gonna call it the Skisles for now

Shaggy out!

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