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Lummikko [WIP] by Therion

Lummikko [WIP]


This is kind of a small project me and my best friend Springy have been working on together. XD I always wanted to create a fun critter to play with. Something I could baby and call my own. So I started out with a lot of weird combinations of animals. I tried goats, wolves, horses and etc. But I wanted something long and fluffy 8D. So these sketches were created and I was testing some of the fur types.

Luumikko is ganna be based off of various weasel family bases. Fisher cats, wolverine/badger mixes, martens, and mink. May eventually add others but not entirely sure. xD Ganna keep it a few bases for now because i do plan to have a lot of hair types for my own amusement. lolz

Little world preview, being the species they are, based off weasel type families. Some are ganna be great tree climbers, burrowers, or swimmers. Being so large the trees are ganna have to be pretty big 8D, picture the tunnels that would be made in the earth. Picture large forests with ancient trees jumping from branches and trunks. Eventually I want to make races through the trees with big hoops in various heights and distances that Luumikko have to race through to the finish line hoop.

We're still developing a lot of things so its not a high demanding game and will most likely be for more amusement. Cause if your like me, your playing other games or trying to balance life and art. These are more meant for the lazy gamer kind of deal. rofl While also those who enjoy chance/rng and breeding, or small amounts of leveling. I'll eventually write out a more solid idea of this world/creation/species when I bounce more ideas off of some friends. I have a pretty good idea how things are ganna work. xD For now your ganna have to enjoy my unfinished sketches. rofl

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