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Vermin, the Vigilante by The Canidean

Vermin, the Vigilante

The Canidean

Real Name: Gary Formis

Superhero Name: Vermin

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: American Opossum

Nationality: American

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 153 lb

Hair: White

Eyes: Red

Physical Appearance: Albino, hunched back, right leg deformed, missing two fingers on his left hand, misaligned teeth

Outfits: Hoodies, blue jeans, gloves, home-made full-face mask

Occupation: Worker at Rusty Blokes Junkyard/Vigilante

Area of Operation: Colmaton, CA

Weapons: Cane sword, Mace, stun gun, electrified tail knife

Transportation: Junker car

-Animal control: Gary can control the behavior of arthropods, reptiles, amphibeans, birds, and mammals, ranging from gnats to pythons and crocodiles. He specializes in animals that are considered nuisances or pests, especially social insects
-Remote sensing: Gary can see and hear through his little minions, provided their minds are complex enough
-Immunities: Though he's not sure why, Gary is immune to mosquito-borne diseases, rabies, salmonella, and leprosy, along with most forms of venom. In addition, thanks to the curious brain formation of opossums, he is highly resistant to psychic assault
-Prehensile Tail

-Psychological Warfare: Gary enjoys teasing and tormenting his opponents, using his control over insects and other pests to invade their space, deprive them of sleep, and drive them to distraction. He will also occasionally begin singing creepy songs like "Oh Death", or whistling
-Technical Knowledge: Thanks to his previous work for Mintrayal Electronics, Gary knows quite a bit about a large range of electronics, and knows how to tamper with them and make them useless, or only useful to him
-Reclusive: Gary lives on the outskirts of town, and works for another unregistered superhero, giving him plenty of opportunities to slip back and forth between his civilian identity and his alter ego

-Loner: Gary has a small family, and few friends. Combined with his ugly appearance, repulsive personality, and creepy powers, this makes him very difficult to work with, whether as a co-worker or a fellow superhero
-Physically Unfit: Gary's deformities make him a relatively weak and slow individual. He tires quickly, and his only martial arts skills are self-taught brawling and sword fighting
-Lack of Equipment: Gary only has access to civilian-grade technology, and then only what he can afford on his salary after cost of living, bills, and subscriptions for online games

Bio: Things never seemed to go right for Gary Formis. Even before he was born, his string of bad luck started when a gangster randomly punched his pregnant mother in the stomach, resulting in his back problems and deformed leg. He lost two fingers on his left hand when he got in a scuffle with some illegal immigrants, one of whom happened to have a knife. Furthermore, his personal hygiene and dental health had to suffer in exchange for scraping together enough money to go to a community college. After nearly failing two courses in a single semester, Gary went for a walk in a local nature park - and was nearly killed when a meteorite slammed into the ground near him. When he regained conciousness, he was surprised to find himself surrounded by rodents, raccoons, snakes, frogs, skunks, opossums, and more insects and arachnids than he could count. Initially fearful, he soon found that he could control their behavior. He immediately resolved to use his newfound power to get back at the thugs and bullies that had tormented him, taking their insulting nickname for his new identity. Recently, though, he's been slowly gathering a small network of close friends, and has opened up enough that he actually now has a girlfriend. He now saves up his money, hoping that he can afford to get married and start a family someday.

Personality: Though he's mellowed out quite a bit from his days in San Pedro, Gary still tends to be an introverted snarker. There are only a few people he completely trusts, including his girlfriend, Erin Flaherty/Miracle, and his co-workers at Rusty Blokes. He spends most of his off-time tending to his pet king cobra, Elvira, or training so that his physical disabilities aren't as much of a hinderance. He is also very leery of the government and illegal immigrants.

Rusty Blokes belongs to Wolf Rider
Erin Flaherty belongs to Sam Gwosdz on Fur Affinity

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    A diamond in the ruff, I like it very nice character.