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The Hosts of Yov'Tham by The Canidean

The Hosts of Yov'Tham

The Canidean

Name: N/A

Superhero Name: The Hosts of Yov'Tham, Yov'Thamites



Age: N/A

Gender: Various, Yov'Tham is asexual hermaphrodite

Species: Numerous, extraterrestrial fungal symbiote

Height: N/A

Weight: N/A

Eye color: Varies, Deepbonded often develop rust-colored eyes

Hair color: Varies, Deepbonded often develop rust-tinted hair

Physical Appearance: Varies, deep-bonded develop rust-colored fur, scales, skin, or feathers, and may exhale rust-colored spores on occasion

Outfits: Varies, Deepbonded can form robes made from mycelium

Occupation: Varies

Area of Operation: Worldwide

Weapons/Items: Varies

Transportation: Varies

-Hive Mind: All hosts are capable of sharing thoughts and memories when they choose to do so. Deepbonded do this constantly
-Immune to mind control: Any attempts to control a Yov'Thamite are overwhelmed by the collective will of thousands, not to mention Yov'Tham itself
-Enhanced healing: Deepbonded can suture their own wounds with hyphae, repair broken bones, and combat numerous diseases (some, like Ebola and AIDS, however, are beyond Yov'Tham's ability to cure)
-Fungal control: The Deepbonded can use spores to create smokescreens, and mycelium to make armor, form rope, and grapple opponents

-Indomitable Will: It is impossible to intimidate or dissuade a Yov'Thamite, especially when there are many backing him or her up
-Coordination: The Yov'Thamites' hive mind lets them coordinate attacks and maneuvers with split-second accuracy
-Collective Knowledge: Between all of them, Yov'Thamites know just about everything there is to know, and they are still learning more every day

-Creepy: Deepbonded have a rather alien feel to them, thanks to their discoloration and fungal clothing, and most fursons are uncomfortable with the idea of having a hive mind, or a sentient, symbiotic fungal infection
-Passive: Yov'Tham rarely takes action, prefering to watch events as they unfold
-Peculiar hosts: Yov'Tham is driven by curiosity, and will often choose unusual fursons to be hosts, occasionally including political extremists, the insane, and criminals

Bio: Yov'Tham is an extraterrestrial fungus of unknown origin with an incredible ability to maintain a single mind, no matter how many times its physical form is divided. After arriving on Earth in the late 1980s, it has grown a following of at least 40000 fursons, who simply allow it to co-exist within them and experience their lives. Such hosts are indistinguishable from the rest of the world, for the most part, and often never meet another Yov'Thamite face to face. About 1500 of these fursons, however, have chosen to devote themselves to intriguing concepts such as "justice" and "heroism". In exchange for a permanently altered appearance, these "Deepbonded" are granted power by their symbiote, motivated both by the host's desire to protect others, and by Yov'Tham's continual desire to learn and experience.

Personality: Yov'Tham itself is a sensation junkie, but prefers to take a passive role, rarely interfering with its hosts' lives. The hosts, on the other hand, maintain their individual personalities.

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