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Vikings! - Sowulo by Temperance

Vikings! - Sowulo



Key Phrase
‘You have the power to bring things to fruition.’

Viking Rune Equivalent and Meaning
Wholeness. The Sun.

To increase positive energies; to bring about activity; for good health and fertility.

To increase physical strength and stamina. Strengthens the spiritual and psychic powers and abilities.


Success, positive energy, power, day, hope, attainment, harmony, contact with the higher self, light of the world, beneficent magic, spiritual power to resist disintegration, guidance, healing, victory, fertility, good health, healing, glory, inspiration, honour, victory, education, high achievements, obtained goals.

SOWULO is ‘Motion and Energy.’

Sowulo represents the power of the Sun. In almost every religion in the world, the Sun is held most sacred.

To the Norse, the sun was known as ‘Sunna’ or ‘Sol’ and was considered feminine. The sun’s light and warmth symbolises life, nurturing, growth and all that is good.

As a representation of power, nothing compares to the Sun in this world. With the Sowulo rune, it represents success and glory. The Sowulo rune encourages one to take positive action and move forward along their path, taking a brief pause to bask in the sunshine, warmth and healing rays of the sun along the way.

The Sowulo rune represents someone or something that is a ‘guiding light’ for others, a teacher or mentor. Sowulo can also be viewed as a ‘road map.’ It lights the way.

This rune also symbolises the consciousness of the inner self and may indicate growth in various ways and on many levels. It provides enlightenment and success through individual will. It is a rune of education and understanding and is a transformative rune.

Sowulo represents high achievements, honour and goals obtained.

Submission Information

Visual / Sewing / Knitting