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Avatar for SuspexDog


Rin / 30 / Genderfluid / Hell

I'm the master of construction, because I'm building walls like it's my occupation. If you portray a liar, I'll shut you out without hesitation.
Commissions: Closed


Religion: LaVeyan Satanism

True Alignment: Kept secret for personal reasons.
Wished Alignment: Neutral

Personality Type: INTP-T

Good and bad traits, determined as per personality type INTP-T:


Great Analysts and Abstract Thinkers: Somewhat true.
Imaginative and Original: Very true.
Open-Minded: Generally true though it still often depends on who I'm talking to or how I was approached),
Enthusiastic: Generally true - though the level of enthusiasm depends on what I'm doing.
Objective, Honest and Straightforward: Generally true.


Very Private and Withdrawn: Very true.
Insensitive: Somewhat true.
Absent-minded: Very true.
Condescending: Often true. - Though this does depend on who you are and how well you know me and I you, if I like you, the chance of me being condescending towards you, are far smaller. Of course I might slip up, but hey, we all make mistakes sometimes. Even me.
Loathe Rules and Guidelines: Somewhat true.
Second-Guess Themselves: Generally true.

IQ as determined per recent test:

114 = Average intelligence

About me:

I am very often rude and harsh towards strangers, and also to people that I do not like. Don't get me wrong though, if you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Various people have told me that, despite my hot-headed temper and sometimes rude behaviour and lack of manners, then I am a very loyal and sweet person once you get to know me.

Yes I am a tad crazy, but hey, we are all a little bit crazy aren't we? Keep in mind that I am manic depressed and just one wrong word can stay in my head and make me sad and suicidal, so be careful when talking to me, specially if you have a problem. Phrase it in a calm and not rude/harsh manner, or it will have me struck down and likely make me bed ridden because I'll feel so bad, sick and sad about it and just be wanting to die, so please. Be careful and cautious.

I do not wish to recieve notes from strangers. If you want to commission me, be sure to make that the title of your note, and if you are someone I'm rp'ing with that wants to rp with me again, please include 'RP' as a part of the title. Or else my anxiety will make me feel awful until I buckle under and have to leave to calm down.

Other important things to know about me:

I am almost always right, and even when I am wrong, I am right.

I don't necessarily concider myself a 'good' person, because I'm not. For example, I will not give food or money to beggars that approach me on the street. I need my money and my food more than them. If someone wrongs me, and I have the chance to get them prosecuted, I will attempt to try and if it succeeds, I'll be likely to try and have the prosecution go through completely.

I do not want others to approach me unless they absolutely have to. I am of course tolerant of mailmen/women, family members, friends, etc. But I do not want strangers or neighbors to approach me. Last time my neighbor approached me was to try and blackmail me into giving him money (This is not gonna happen, and I will not open my door when/if he knocks and I will continue to ignore him when running into him in the hall or the kitchen. Perhaps even pretend to not hear him, and send him death glares if he tries to catch my eye contact.)

DO NOT BE FOOLED THOUGH, I am not an evil person, and will not hurt or attempt to hurt anyone or anything, unless it's in self defense or if they did something to deserve it. I am not an unfair person afterall.

I do not like to whine or vent at friends, nor strangers for that sake, because I constantly feel like I am bothering people, and already feel that my friends are only politely tolerating me because they feel like they have to. No one has succeeded in making me believe anything else, regardless of how persistent and stubborn they've been about convincing me.

I am not exactly good at showing empathy or being friendly towards others, specially not if I do not know you. I am known to be extremely friendly and understanding of my friends, and known to take almost as hard, or even harder blows, than them when they are hurt og in trouble or feeling down because I care 'too much'. I suffer from social anxiety and aspergers. I do not do well in social settings and would rather sit alone and quietly dislike every thing and everyone that disagrees with me.

I am very stubborn. I am smart, not 'intelligent', though not dumb either. My skillset and knowledge is not within the educational range but rather in the subjects and topics that interests me. If it does not interest me, I will NOT care, and I will not agree to it.

I will not be going out of my way to make others happy, unless they are important to me. Even then I'd rather go with being honest, than trying to lie to 'spare' them. I will try to help them feel better anywho, and 'redeem' myself if I should end up emotionally hurting my friends. Hurting others is not my intention, unless they've done something to hurt me first, or put me in a bad situation, or accused me of being something I am not.

Such as saying that their reasons for turning down my offers and will to be part of their community, is that others has said something about me, i.e. that I am 'intimidating' or 'scary' to talk to/write with, and then being unable to tell or show WHO. It becomes obvious that it's a lie, and an excuse. Then they accuse me of being an 'emotional manipulator' and being cruel, because I defended myself.

I have multiple times been called manipulative, but I refuse to believe it. It is very hurtful to find out that quite a handful of people think that I am manipulative, though many seems to have been reluctant to express whether they found me manipulative or not when I asked them. Either telling me to ask someone that are 'better' friends with me or family members.
However, I can tell you, that my family does not find me manipulative. They think (know) that I am quite a control freak and perfectionist, and knows that I'd rather want things my way, instead of succumbing to anyone else's way.

This is true. I am a control freak and perfectionist, and I won't succumb to others.
UNLESS I CARE ABOUT THEM. If you are friend or family to me, I will stand back and listen to your ideas and thoughts and have calm, nice, conversations and discussions with you, and perhaps even succumb to you, though, if we indeed are friends, we are likely to have a lot of the same thoughts or ideas, or SIMILAR thoughts and ideas on most things, which is most commonly WHY I'll be willing to listen and help, because it'll be easier for me to understand you and cooperate with you, without having to thread more carefully than usual.

If you happen to have any questions, do not be afraid to ask. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible and be as polite as possible. Your tone of voice and way of phrasing your question may play a big part of HOW I will reply, so please keep that in mind.

Also, do not start to throw hate at me just because I openly show what my religion is. It is not because it's hurting you, is it? We are all entitled to believe in different things, and I do not accept religional hate. I will not hate you for your religion, so do me the favor NOT to hate me for my religion.



Latest Journal

Number 1

I am completely re-organising my weasyl account.

Not that anyone would know because no one pays attention to my account at all.

The reason why I haven't been posting or dealing with weasyl in any way these days, is because I do not have enough watchers. No one ever comments or faves my stuff, and quite frankly, it's demotivating.

So given that no one liked the art I had on here anyway, I removed EVERYTHING.
also unfaved everything.

NOT BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE THE ART, but because I did not want faved submissions to be publicly shown on my front page, as egoistic or stupid as it sounds.

I will be posting again at some point, but it will mainly be artwork of Vorador.
A new OC I made.
I have an original version of him who's also being used as a playable character on a rp off site.
and an AU where he's a normal 'wolf' participating in pack life, etc etc etc.

Though the original him may not even be a 'wolf', but rather a human that is able to turn himself into a wolfdog. It is not based on wolf's rain and has nothing to do with Wolf's Rain.

This was only recently decided in order to make him usable on the rp off site.

I don't know if I will be posting art of other characters or anything, though.
I have yet to decide that.

Also yess, I totally rearranged my profile. new info that may or may not be necessary to know about me if you wish to 'approach' me.

Also, my doctor says that I have RSI. It is located in my right arm, my drawing arm, so yeah. problems.

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