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Number 1 by SuspexDog

I am completely re-organising my weasyl account.

Not that anyone would know because no one pays attention to my account at all.

The reason why I haven't been posting or dealing with weasyl in any way these days, is because I do not have enough watchers. No one ever comments or faves my stuff, and quite frankly, it's demotivating.

So given that no one liked the art I had on here anyway, I removed EVERYTHING.
also unfaved everything.

NOT BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE THE ART, but because I did not want faved submissions to be publicly shown on my front page, as egoistic or stupid as it sounds.

I will be posting again at some point, but it will mainly be artwork of Vorador.
A new OC I made.
I have an original version of him who's also being used as a playable character on a rp off site.
and an AU where he's a normal 'wolf' participating in pack life, etc etc etc.

Though the original him may not even be a 'wolf', but rather a human that is able to turn himself into a wolfdog. It is not based on wolf's rain and has nothing to do with Wolf's Rain.

This was only recently decided in order to make him usable on the rp off site.

I don't know if I will be posting art of other characters or anything, though.
I have yet to decide that.

Also yess, I totally rearranged my profile. new info that may or may not be necessary to know about me if you wish to 'approach' me.

Also, my doctor says that I have RSI. It is located in my right arm, my drawing arm, so yeah. problems.

Number 1


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