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Keep smiling by Sunes

Keep smiling


I don't really like to get emotional and share it with the general internet because I'm a fairly private person, but this is one of those exceptions. This past Sunday, Monty Oum passed away, and I've been taking it pretty hard. For those of you who aren't aware, Monty has been an integral part of the animation department at Rooster Teeth for the past 5 or so years. I've been a Rooster Teeth fan for quite a while, and the company as a whole has gotten me through some pretty rough times, which I am very thankful for. I'm not the most hardcore fan of Red vs. Blue or RWBY, but I enjoy both of them very much, and they've flourished from Monty's input--and in the case of RWBY, it actually became a thing BECAUSE of him.

He wasn't one of the public figures you saw very often, but he was pretty hard to miss. He was a very quirky guy, and his work ethic was absolutely astounding to me. I really idolize people who are able to hit the ground running and just don't stop for basically anything. Creators that do everything in their power to just MAKE what they want to make to the best of their ability, where the most important thing to them is putting the project out so they can move right on to the next one. I love that. I want to BE that person, but for so long I've been too insecure and intimidated by my own ambitions. It's kinda funny in a sad way that I decided to just say fuck it and do shit anyway recently, because almost at the exact same time that I was working on something that I was giving my all, one of the people who inspired me to do just that was fighting for his life.

Death is always painful, but arguably the worst part about it for me is seeing the loved ones of the person who passed mourning. This time is no different, but in all of my time of being involved in the RT community, I have never seen anything like this. With people who are normally so upbeat and energetic 95% of the time that you see them, witnessing them broken and distraught just drives it home of how big what we're dealing with is. It's salt in a very fresh wound, and it's difficult to not be affected by it to some degree. His passing was very sudden--which is unfortunately very common in most situations involving death--and by the time it was publicly announced that he was hospitalized and in critical condition, he was pretty much gone. There was a fund to help cover his medical expenses for his treatment, and many people (my husband and I included) chipped in, hoping for the best, but there was just nothing they could do.

Monty was only 33, but he had accomplished so much in that time. He definitely left a mark on quite a few lives, and it's disappointing that we'll never get to see what he could do next. He was an amazing person who found ways to do things that people could only dream of, and no one person could ever come close to filling his shoes. 2014 was a very bad year for me creatively, so I was intending 2015 to rectify that. With recent events, I just want to do it even more for a handful of reasons. I have so much potential, and I'm going to do my damnedest to tap into it and grow--both as an artist and a person.

Working on this was very therapeutic for me, but I'm not going to bounce back from this for a little while yet. I've been pretty emotional and weepy for the past few weeks, and this just isn't helping. Still, I'm going to try and turn the negative energy into something positive. I know I sound a bit silly rambling via a text wall about doing great things when I use my skills to produce copious amount of gross furry porn, but honestly I enjoy that, and until that changes, that's just what I'm going to continue to do.

TL;DR: Weh.

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    I've heard so much about him and his passing in the last few days. I never watched any of the things he was involved with, and I feel now like I missed out on something special. He evidently touched a LOT of people in his life for so many people to be grieving and pouring out their hearts in tribute to him. He must have been a really remarkable guy. I regret that I only became aware of him after all of this...

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      Yeah, he was very special. He was so influential in pretty much everything he did, and it's unfortunate that you can really feel it more so after he passed. So many people loved him and his work, and nothing will be exactly the same from this point on. Death is never truly something you can completely get over, but it's going to take a long, long time for the community to not have this affect them on a somewhat daily basis. The last time I saw so many people mourn in unison was when Robin Williams died, and while Rooster Teeth is much smaller than big movie studios, there's a lot of care in the community. It's hard not to see the cast and crew as a family once you've been around long enough, so it's understandable that so many people are having a very hard time trying to cope. The staff at RT requested those who wanted to show their support should do so in creative endeavors in lieu of the typical sympathy gestures. They felt that Monty would rather want people to accomplish things that they might not have otherwise, and just about everyone agrees with the sentiment, because that WAS what he always wanted out of everyone. Even with him gone, people are still trying to keep up with his work ethic haha.

      It's incredibly unfortunate that you're hearing about him in the worst circumstance, but thankfully you can still familiarize yourself with what he was able to do if you so choose. I mean, better late than never, right? The nice thing about the content RT produces is that it comes in very small doses. You don't have to commit a lot of time or energy trying to get in to something. Nowadays, most installments of RvB and RWBY are in 10 or 15 minute segments. I like to let stuff pile up for a while and then catch up rather than immediately watching it as it comes out, but even then it doesn't take very long to get through it all. The only real exceptions are early RvB episodes. You kinda have to set time aside to get your feet wet, but those episodes are also over 10 years old at this point.

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        I'm definitely going to start watching RWBY. It looks really good from what I've seen so far. And dear god, is RvB really that old already?? I still remember hearing about it when it was new. Good lord, that's did so much time pass?

        I guess that's in itself a reminder. Time is precious and fleeting and nobody knows how much they've got left. If I'm going to take anything away from this tragic turn of events, it's that it's important to go out there and see your creations, your ideas, and your passions come to life. There's something that he's left behind that will live on after him, keep his memory and creativity alive. May the same be said for all of us.

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    I hadn't known who he was until I'd seen the posts made by Ross and Egoraptor about his passing, but I'd enjoyed some of his works quite a bit (I actually marathoned RvB just the other month). After reading about what kind of person he was, I felt very moved. I put a sticky note on my monitor that day that said, "Stop wasting time. Today is today." And I've been trying to live by that since. I always kind of have tried to do that, but it's been so easy to let things get in my way, and end up pushing projects further and further from completion. Seeing this happen, and hearing about who he was and how he lived, has given me a pretty big push in the "getting shit done" department. Life is so sudden with what it throws at you, and I don't want to leave everything I've been planning unfinished like it is now.

    I am having a super hard time putting things into words right now, bleh. I hope you get through this sooner than later, and that you take away the lesson Monty would want you and everyone to have, about making your ideas happen and not letting anything stand in your way.

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    I use to love watching Haloid when it first came out. it was interesting and what I wanted in a new halo game. Monty Oum was awesome. there is no other way of putting it. Everything he touched had a style and uniqueness to it. You did a wonderful job on this pic. it's beautiful, and would make Monty Oum smile.