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Lupine Unit #3 by Strega

Lupine Unit #3


There are Unit members who have never eaten a human. #4 has eaten hundreds of dogs, cats and other animals, but never a human. Neither has #8. And #6, among others, will take a few bullets and still carry you off to jail alive and well, if maybe a bit bruised.

The female Unit members are by and large less generous. #9 has digested four would-be rapists and counting, #7 has eaten half a dozen people (some intact and some in pieces) and them there's #3.

3 has, as the station house joke goes, made more people into the world's leading expert on werewolf digestion than any other Unit member. It's a short lived honor, either a couple of minutes or a couple of days depending on whether you count just your life or your body's trip through her digestive tract, but if you're out to get it #3 is your best bet. Pump a couple of bullets into her and you'll spend the night inside her, and not in the fun way.

As far as anyone knows, no one has shot her in a deliberate effort to get eaten. Then again, how would you ask them? With an endoscope and a great deal of haste?

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