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H. C. Domino Domino by spoonface

H. C. Domino Domino


aka Domino, DoDo

WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY. he jut appeared in my head and one day and didn't leave since.
well okay that was probably pretty soon after watching Yellow Submarine so he's def got a lotta Blue Meanie in him.


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  • Link

    Aaa I love that nose and those whiskers. You always come up with the most interesting characters!!

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      Thank you! A rough idea for him flashed in my head briefly and I just had to draw it down and wow he became quite a fun character.

  • Link

    Eee-hee-hee-hee-hee! Thing of beauty.... DESTROY IT FOREVER! EEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!

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      Also I've been meaning to praise your twitter release of the Chief Blue Meanie - was sort of waiting to see if it made its rounds here, but I like the fruit that exposure to Yellow Submarine seems to have borne here. (Hint: It was my favorite movie as a kid.)

      • Link

        twitter release? Haha, thank you! Wow, I need that movie on a DVD, I saw it on a stream recently. It's such a visually appealing movie in its psychedelic imagery and the music... yeah it's funny how I grow to like all music in a movie more than a plain old album?? (case on point: Phantom of the Paradise; Interstella 5555 and Daft Punk's Discovery)

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          And now I cannot find the picture in question for the life of me. Did I somehow imagine you drew a picture of the chief blue meanie earlier this week?

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              Oh thank goodness. I thought memory loss and delusion had spread from the gator character to the artist! I loved those and -knew- I'd seen it.

              I think my favorite thing about the Chief Blue Meanie was how he was so patently and childishly delighted and gleeful in the horrible things he does, as well as the tendency to go from gentle and cloying to screaming unbridled rage on the drop of a glove.

              I know we geeked out on PotP, but if you want a super-geek out, it's me and Yellow Submarine. I still consider it easily in my top 5, and remember practically all the lines, and certain elements occasionally creep into my work - like Hugh Otternaut's red 19th century naval uniform is pretty darn Sgt. Peppery.

              It's interest how Domino (which is an excellent name, considering (A) the implied domino-mask like markings and (B) te decidedly domineering personality) translates some of the 'rat' motif of the blue meanies, who are seen with conspicuous 'mousketeer' ears

              • Link

                Thank you! Oh man, reading some quotes, the dialogue is quite witty, and no doubt a lot of it is referential, too, some might just fly over my head due to lack of familiarity (I did get "I am the ego man, goo goo g'joob", for once). I could stand to watch the movie again and find new things to appreciate!

                Man there's a lot to love about the Chief Blue Meanie. He's so delightfully volatile, I also like it when characters speak in excessively florid patterns (thesaurus abuse, rolling Rs), maybe to contrast their behaviour which may be immature or cruel or both. That weird cognitive dissonance. And also the archetype of the voice going from a pleasant falsetto to screeching and growling almost instantly and then lapse back x3

                And yes, I def wanted to make Domino to look somewhat ratty :D though his species is ambiguous on purpose. He could be a dog, a raccoon, a cat, a rat, an opossum, a (behe)moth, a bohemian, bicyclops, etc. (I bet his subordinates, when idle, place bets on what species he might be. he's irritated by it but no longer cares, at least it keeps them preoccupied)

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          *case in point. awkward

  • Link

    I absolutely love how striking your style is and how different it looks from the kinds of online art I usually see!

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      Gosh, thank you! ; v ; I'm flattered.

  • Link

    oh man!! I love this guy! He's so "classic 80s-90s cartoon villain" awesome!

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      Hahaha, thank you! I sure have been on some kind of 80s-90s kick with my art lately.

  • Link

    Pullin' the nose on that little guy wow

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      Cornelius Syrup might deserve a lot of acts of cruelty, just not that, haha