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Holidays 2015 - Splash & Retro by Splash

Holidays 2015 - Splash & Retro


Holiday card for 2015! I've always wanted to send out personalized cards for the holidays and this year finally got to make it a reality. It was a learning experience getting all of those cards sorted out and I still missed a lot of people I wanted to send cards to but I'm 100% ready to do it again for the 2016 holidays.

I'm in Splash and Felix is in Retro! He also took the photo. Good ol' tripod + delay shot ❤️

New Splash head by JillCostumes
New Splash hands by WarpedReality WarpedReality
Original Splash body by TheCritterFactory TheCritterFactory
Retro head by Water Dog Wharf / Keryu Keryu
Retro hands by Matrices Matrices

Hope everyone had wonderful holidays!
Feel free to reach out if you'd like to exchange holidays cards this year and you like to plan well in advance, hahaha
