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Inktober #20: Ulysses back detail by Sparkyopteryx

Inktober #20: Ulysses back detail


Miraculously, I'm not actually behind in my Inktobers, just behind in posting! Please bear with me, this gets a little exhausting...

Detail shot of a character that appeared/was created in dreams of mine earlier this year (this happens a lot doesn't it?) in a recurring science fiction setting that I have not given a name to or fleshed out enough consciously. I get bits and pieces though and I did at least develop Ulysses here enough, although I'm going to draw and post up a proper concept/bio in a different submission. These aren't his finalized colors; more of a tonal map to clarify details than anything (although the color of substance in his tubes are correct).This will go on a reference sheet eventually with proper annotation and explanation, but for now a nutshell description should suffice: Ulysses is an almost completely refurbished and rebuilt cyborg due to extensive trauma he sustained from a disaster with a classified scientific experiment on a distant moon. His cybernetic and biotic suite is unique in that he runs almost entirely off of an intricate system of nanite hives in a specialized nutrient gel dubbed "nanoglobin."

There's a whole hell of a lot more to it than that, but as I said this submission was not meant for a proper dissertation, just as a detail and possibly "teaser" image I guess. Plus I thought inking all of that would be fun and appropriate for Inktober. See, I can do sci-fi! It just takes me forever....

Done with Prismacolor markers (some on their last legs) and pigment liners. Character and concepts are my intellectual property.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


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    Missed this somehow, very nice! I still hope to figure out what I am doing with my part of our trade ASAP!

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      No worries; my Inktober stuff I post in chunks every couple of days (I can't always manage daily after all).

      You know if you're still stumped, I'm cool with revising my request. I've really been digging all of the art you've been posting for Inktober (as I already mentioned) so if you aren't sick of doing more ink art, I'm perfectly happy with something like that. Perhaps I can give you a few keywords on a subject and let you run with whatever idea comes to you instead?

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    I think your strong attention to detail would translate into sci-fi artwork very well, given that the aesthetic is all about the small details if you ask me.

    I like this a lot, but you already know that.

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      Yeah I love sci fi a whole lot but one of the reasons I don't do it more is because I get that voice in my head sometimes that I'm doing it "wrong" and once I'm actually doing it, I feel the need to detail all of it otherwise its not clear enough and too vague and "dodgy" looking.

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    Oh no I've never had a crush on someone based on a picture of their freaking back before...

    But seriously this is absolutely gorgeous. I envy your ability to maintain symmetry. Having done plenty of robots myself that shit ain't easy lol

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      Haha, goodness I suppose I should get to drawing the rest of him in that case! Even though most of his organic body is gone he's still pretty much a human, although appearance-wise not so much since the late scientist had a thing for Earth insects and designed the entire cyber-suite based off a mantis, so.

      Thank you! I hear you on the symmetry bit by the way; when I was sketching this I had half a mind to simply use a grid (perfect paper when you're stumped on getting two identical halves juuussst right). I love doing robots and cyborgs and golems and all of that but dammit sometimes subjects like that just take too long for me to want to do them half the time!

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        Ahah man I totally hear you on that. It's excruciating sometimes lol. I really envy the artists who do just that kind of thing.

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    What a delightful bit of cyborg anatomy! Good stuff.

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      Thank you! As far as sci-fi goes, I could probably keep doing nothing but details and close-ups of subjects like this and not get tired of it.