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All that glitters... :ACEO: by Sparkyopteryx

All that glitters... :ACEO:


HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS. A new scanner. I am a happy camper, just sayin'. Still working out the bells and whistles though since its better and way fancier than what I'm used to, but still. I'm immensely pleased with the color resolution, and the only reason this is a little grainy is that the digital scan is larger than the actual piece, hence more surface texture.

Stocking stuffer ACEO for the other half MisterMidnight depicting one of his favorite Pokemon (and one of mine, for that matter). He was supposed to come out a little more impish and less creepy but as the lighting emerged during rendering he got a lot more sinister, so I ran with it. Couldn't help giving him a little Cheshire-esque curl to his grin. Great thing about drawing Ghost-types is that I can turn up the supernatural weirdness a bit. There's something so stress-relieving when drawing Pokemon, I swear...

Done with Prismacolor pencils on an illustration board ATC. NOT FOR SALE OR TRADE; this was a gift.

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Visual / Traditional


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    What's better than a Goblin and a Cheshire Cat? A Cheshire Goblin.

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    Great use of colors here, it seems rare to see a really good traditional artist anymore.

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      They are certainly out there, although I noticed with certain kinds of art "demographics" they aren't nearly so prevalent, so I hear ya. Thank you kindly, by the way; it just so happens I like both purple and Sableye, so a piece like this was inevitable.