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Inktober #2: Lurking by Sparkyopteryx

Inktober #2: Lurking


Skullduggerie peered through the gap, watching for a long moment. “Scrap.” she muttered. She was here stalking the Decepticon Nighterror. Infiltrating his base hadn’t been too difficult for the two-wheeler, but it looked like getting back out was going to be another thing entirely. “Crackshot come in” she whispered into her comm device. “Do you have your grenade launcher hot? There’s more than just Nighterror here, I need a distraction.”

Above exerpt provided by the spouse after I asked her to write a little thing based off the above image. Inktober #2, which I actually had done yesterday but was waiting to submit until she wrote her paragraph. Stands to reason the first real picture of Skully still reveals very little.

After taking some advice I found online and modifying my Sharpie to have more of a chisel tip, I'm glad I did. This thing is at least twice as versatile as it used to be and I'll probably start modifying all my future Sharpies this way.

(also now I want to use this as a springboard for a more involved story or scenario)

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Visual / Traditional


  • Link

    I love this and really enjoyed writing that little bit, I was surprised at how easy it came. I hope Crackshot isn't too upset with her haha.

    • Link

      I quite like the little bit myself too! I like thinking of some of my art as devices to help spur ideas for more fleshed out things in stories.

      He'll forgive her. He knows they've only been working together for a couple months but she needs to get out of that habit of "I work alone" already because otherwise these things are going to keep happening.