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Fireflies by Sid Bane


Sid Bane

I was trying to experiment with a inking style that looks reminiscent of stained glass.
Pretty much a character-based drawing. Alister (and Edgar) spent most of their childhood living in a more rustic, nomadic lifestyle. It wasn't the most luxurious lifestyle, but they grew up in a loving family. Alister, in particular, grew up with more of an appreciation for (and a certain nostalgic attachment to) nature.

Raleigh, on the other hand, grew up in an impoverished home in the city. His mother was loving and well-meaning, but often busy supporting the household. His father was pretty much a neglectful drunk who would was more interested in skirt-chasing than raising a son. Raleigh's father would often exaggerate the dangers of the outdoors as basically a lazy way to keep his son from getting into danger, as opposed to doing any actual parenting.

So, with the picture, Alister is trying to show Raleigh a simple act of childhood which has a positive connection to him and his experiences growing up. Raleigh, having grown up with a very different
childhood, just doesn't really get it.


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    Edgar, I take it is more of the 'Bah, Humbugs, fireflies and other nature crap' attitude? I love the subtle knot art, but it does work rather well with the stained glass aesthetic. Alister's face is a good focal point of where it's gone right, with the thicker outline and finer line weight for details. The softer subtler lines for his fur work well, but I don't know why but I can't say the same for Raleigh's beard. I like that the beard is distinct from his hair (otherwise he'd look more like Phineas from the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.) I don't think the nearly-straight vertical lines really fit into the style of line work you've got going on.

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      Haha. Pretty much. Edgar, despite growing up in the same environment as Alister, could give any less of shit about nature.

      Yeah, Alister's face was were I started with the stained glass linework, so I was paying a ridiculous amount of attention to reference and making SUPER sure that I got it right. The more I got used to the aesthetic, more, the more I just kind of started winging it in particular. That's probably where the look of Raleigh's beard in this pic started to come into play.

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    I love the atmosphere this has to it.