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Snow covered mountains by Shimmerscale

Snow covered mountains


Well, my sister had a class at the college for art and had both oil and acrylics to work with, and now that she isn't taking the class anymore all the supplies just sit in my closet.

I decided I'd try my hand at painting on a non-digital canvas for once and do some scenery. My mum got me some Bob Ross courses on DVD as a B-Day gift this year and I thought "why the heck not". I pulled out the oils, got my canvas and the Turpentine ready, opened the window in my room all the way, set up the two large fans I have in the room up on the sill to draw the air in faster (man was that loud and windy XD) and sat down to paint.

I got the first thin coat of blue on the canvas, opened the Turpentine up and poured a finger thick amount at the bottom of a dipping cup to clean my brush.....

And promptly said "Hell No" to the fact that I suddenly couldn't breath (I have RAD {Reactive Airway Disease} and need to be careful and use an inhaler at times) and my cats, who live in my room because they don't get along with my brother's cat, both glared at me for waking them with such an awful smell. I was a little upset that I couldn't do the painting with the oils, as Turpentine is the only thing that seems to clean oil paint off of brushes and it was stinking up the room and house even with all the windows elsewhere open and fans running, but refused to give up. I put the oils and the blue canvas away, got a new blank canvas up and set the acrylics out, got some rubbing alcohol to use as the thinner/cleaner and got to work.

I will say that the acrylics didn't work as well as the oils. They dry too fast (Bob Ross method is wet on wet and they don't stay wet long enough to blend) and are quite sticky, but I don't think I did too bad for the first scenery done with REAL PAINTS that kept drying and pulling when I tried to blend them. The potato quality is because it was taken in my dark ass closet (bare bulb and all XD) as it is the safest place from cat attack if you don't want them in your shit, with the camera on my phone which is shit for pictures up close but does okay medium distance shots. There are more details in the clouds and the mountains and a bit more on the trees than seen here...

Oh well...

When it isn't 106 degrees out I'll take my blue canvas, the oils and the evil Turpentine to the porch to paint. Maybe that way it won't be quite so bad on the lungs, though I'll probably still have to wear the Uber-Keep-Your-Lungs-Fresh mask I have for when I do any chem work on the Dalek shell. Look like a Sith Lord while I paint, hell yes.

The mountains are part of a chain that is seen from where I live. From December to mid may, sometimes even into July, the first part of the chain is BLANKETED in snow. Right now it only has some on the very tip top but I wanted to do the whole dang thing in there. The trees are basically just random trees from around where I live, they don't actually sit in front of the mountains at all. Not all the mountains are seen here, just the first three (basically four if you count the mini one in the front) as I didn't have room for the whole chain on this small canvas.

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Visual / Traditional


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    Hell of a work mate!
    Quite contrary to what kind of situation you were in, it looks really cool and refreshing!~
    I really admire your courage to step up and plough through all the difficulties that challenged you.

    This art reminds me,,,

    had a dream about going up a snow covered mountain and finding this one white feral wolf.
    I greeted her like a dog would (bow down and jump left and right) and then she replied with happy bow and jumps.
    We played chase and ended up hugging each other on a pile of snow
    We were beside each other panting. She had a genuine canine smile on her, and I was also giggling in joy.
    We turned around and looked at each other. suddenly she gave me a french kiss. I just rolled with it. It felt great.
    After laying there for a while, I went down the mountain after giving her a last pat.
    It's a kind of dream Ill remember forever.

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      Thanks! I'm glad I managed to get the idea of the image across so well. I'm pretty tough on myself when it comes to any of my art be it digital or traditional, totally believing that the work I finished isn't too good, so its nice to have someone else on the outside tell me it looks great! :)

      That's an interesting dream, not sure what message your mind was sending you with it but still interesting just the same.