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2020 Summary of Art by Shadderstag

2020 Summary of Art


My last words for my 2019 art summary were: "Whatever comes of 2020, I have a feeling it’s going to be absolutely transformative. Here’s to the new decade!"

It hits different after having lived through the bizarre year that's been 2020. I ended up closing my Patreon completely. I refunded everyone on my queue. I cleared out all my old adoptables.

And then I spent the entirety of the year drawing for myself, and drawing the gift art I'd always wanted to do, and doing the fun memes that everyone else always did. And I've fallen in love with drawing again, and it's something I genuinely enjoy. I have pages and pages and pages of sketches, and I did so much character and worldbuilding, and plunged into character design once again - for me, this time.

Not making money off of my art has been the best thing to every happen to it. So despite what a shitshow this year's been, in regards to my art journey, it's has, indeed, been absolutely transformative!

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Visual / Digital


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    You know, there are times when I think people who do art for money often burn themselves out over it. When you force yourself to draw, because it’s for money—it just drains you of your creative energy and desire to draw, sometimes.

    I’m glad you were able to take a leap like that and find your love in drawing again! :)

    I look forward to seeing what you do next! :D

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      I didn't realize how much it took out of me until I was free of it. It's been extremely freeing, and I've yet to regret any of it.

      Thank you!

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        I’m glad! :D

        You’re very welcome! :D