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The Wall pt. 5 - Mother by Seagoon

The Wall pt. 5 - Mother


Here we have part 5, drawn by bentproplrprod. Check out the original here.

All the way up until he leaves home, Pink is raised in the care of his overprotective mother, and while Pink grows more curious about himself and the world around him, she ends up inadvertently adding more bricks to his wall from her overprotectiveness and determination to keep him safe from anything that could harm him. In the process, it's also safe to assume that she inadvertently shapes Pink's view of women for many years to come...

I always loved the imagery in Scarfe's renditions of the Mother character of her arms becoming walls that fold around Pink, and how she always seems to have this fierce glare on her face whenever she's not looking at Pink, as if she's keeping a sharp eye out for anything - whether it be bombs or "dirty girlfriends" - that could harm her boy. I thought Bent captured the more abstract nature I was going for well (as well as adding in some other nods to the album in this piece), nicely capturing how Pink views his mother. It's important to remember that Pink is not exactly a reliable narrator, and it's reasonable to assume that he's misinterpreting her understandable maternal concern (though it's undoubtedly exacerbated by the fact that she's already lost her husband) for Orwellian scrutiny.

Sharp-eyed viewers may notice that Pink himself seems older in this pic. I remember just how odd the imagery is in the film version of an obviously adolescent boy doing things that seem more appropriate for an infant, and I wanted Bent to try and capture that.

Once again, no music link on YouTube. Can't find the original version of the song on there that doesn't have a key change. While the version sung by Sinead O'Conner in the Berlin concert is great in-theory, I really think Sinead should've sung the Mother's parts while Roger Waters stuck to Pink's role. Would've worked better that way, in my humble opinion.

The Wall remains the property of Roger Waters and Pink Floyd.

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