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Tarkin Cat. by Scott Ruggels

Tarkin Cat.

Scott Ruggels

From one of those insane conversations one can only have with   wielder. She's so crazy. This was done in the tradition of Wielders animal portraits o the stars of the show. I thought Tarkin would have been perfect as a Siamese cat. This piece is also the first time I inked in Manga Studio, and while I love the tools I am definitely going to have to play with the settings, because I didn't get as much control as I liked, so I became weak and feathery in my inks. Thank god the sloppy color covered it. This was also trying out Wielders style somewhat, and it's Haaaaaaarrrrd trying to find the right blend of animal and movie star. I references a lot of shots of Peter Cushing to attempt the likeness, but it's more of a caricature and I am not sure how successful. But once you get the pose and a suggestion of a skull like head, one gets the reference. This was fun, if a little difficult,but I will probably ink more with Manga Studio to learn the tools. Enjoy!

Pencils on paer, scanned, inked in manga Studio, colored in easy paint Tool SAI, and lettered in Photoshop. February 10th 2013

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    These are all great studies, but it is the top right expression is the one that sells it for me, that smug sort of look that he had. Congrats on trying out the new tool! I'd say it's working well with you, even if you feel like you were a bit at odds with it during inking (I may just like the lighter, looser linework). I look forward to more!

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    I think you nailed Tarking with a siamaese. IMO for some reason it just fits.

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    This is possibly the funniest thing you've ever posted online...... I'm especially in love with the face in the upper right!