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Vote For Us On Steam Greenlight!! by sanctumpolis

Vote For Us On Steam Greenlight!!


Hey Dreamwalkers, the day has finally come where you can vote for us on Steam and get us Greenlit. Please help keep the dream alive by voting so we can spread the game across multiple operating systems such as Lynux, iOS, and PC. Be sure to spread the word and let everyone know about this to help us out. Also, for those who haven't done so already, be sure to add yourselves to the mailing list so you can get all the up to date information on our game. As a thank you to everyone who's been so supportive of us on this project, click on the Links below so you can have a sneak peak at the Kickstarter rewards we will be having starting, TOMORROW!!!! That's right folks, Sanctum Polis - Rest Eternal Memory Kickstarter finally goes live tomorrow so let's make this happen and spread the word. Also, be sure to give us a thumbs up on Steam Greenlight so that we can get this game over to as many platforms as possible. I know with you all, we can help keep the dream alive!!

Steam Greenlight:

Sanctum Polis Mailing List Sign Up and Kickstarter Rewards Sneak Peak:


  • Link

    Done! Can't wait for it to come out! (because I know it will!)