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The Newest Resident... by Sadalsuud-Staridae

The Newest Resident...


...of the mansion in my head: Brickle "Pretzel" Royale
Of all the hybrids in the free-fucking world, he's a Rat x Great White Shark. A "RAWRK" as I've been jokingly referring to him of late XD

I can only surmise this had something to do with my late-night snacking a week or so ago when the husband and I were housesitting for his mom and her partner whilst they were in KL. The muses (by that I mean VJ, Aurealis, Barksdale & Chellios) wanted icecream...and found this guy eating everything in the walk-in fridge/freezer combo. All I could think of upon seeing him was "Good goddamned, I have another one to contend with!"

Of all my characters (and future fursuit muses), Brickle slots in around mid-point between VJ and Barksdale.
He's fairly goofy/silly, got a bit of an attitude reminiscent of VJ's, but he's also fiercely loyal and rather friendly towards others. And yes, his front incisors have a split down the middle - rat genes and shark teeth are the hell of a mix! He has a half-rat/half-shark tail. We debated on him being half-blood of both sides as his Grandpa sold out the family lineage to science.

In Brickle's words: "I'm what happens when Aussie scientists get absolutely tanked on Four-X!"

So far, he's taken to bunking with VJ (she has the uppermost level of the mansion - only the best for the main fursona!), scaring the crap out of Aurealis, tolerating Chellios' love of explosives and chillaxing with Barksdale. I can only hope I'm not going to end up with another facet of my personality who's crazy as fuck and has a grin that'll make others wet themselves XD

Brickle "Pretzel" Royale belongs to Victoria S. Rodda, 2015

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