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32 | Oct 4 | United States | nonbinary/gender fluid (they/them/any/all) | Anti-Capitalist/Inexperienced Anarchist | Absurdist/Misotheist/Kinda Buddhist

I come as a refugee from the faraway land of FurAffinity. Please excuse my accent.

I want my pages to be safe spaces for LGBTQIA2S+. Please let me know if you feel otherwise and I'll try my best to improve this.

I'm very bad at thanking for Favorites and Follows. Do know that I am aware of your kindness and it really does make my day ^w^

I'm a very neurotic enby that does silly little cartoons on a tablet. That's really all there is to it. I've been in the Furry fandom for about 15 years now, and it's been good to me most of the time.

I tend to fave a lot and don't comment as much as I should, but I'm trying to get better about that.

I have four main fursonas that I use: Rudoji the red fox, Contrail the earth pony, Lavender the Rattata, and Lakunas the Ivalician moogle. I also have a stable of other minor characters and supporting actors for my fursonas as well.

My main "theme" in my works is medical casts and bandages. Generally, all my main characters are capable of being involved in cartoonishly absurd levels of injuries, getting them into all kinds of medical hijinks. I also am a rubber/latex enthusiast, with a lot of my characters partaking in the hobby as well.

I also really like things like straitjackets, general bondage, mud/mud diving, crossdressing, plate armor, heavy/winter/utility clothing, etc.

Though I am trying to keep a versatile portfolio, much of my artwork will fall into the kink/suggestive/explicit categories, so view at your own risk. I'd also like to keep my audience 18+ regardless of my content, so minors should avoid my page. Granted if you wish to interact with my non-adult content, feel free.

Latest Journal

Good Evening!

So this is something I should have done a long while ago.

While I'm not planning on abandoning my FurAffinity account, I do really want to diversify while the iron is hot in the world of adult Furry art that's drawn like cartoons.

I'm leaning on the more optimistic end of the whole smol character purge, I'm still feeling like I should have a backup plan.

In short, if you're reading this: Hello there!

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    Many thanks :3

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    welcome to weasyl!

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    It's great to see you on Weasyl! I also have an Inkbunny.