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A&H Club #2 p11 by RickGriffin

A&H Club #2 p11


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Visual / Digital


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    <3 ass and hamburger club

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    Sort of but not really.

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    I was wondering if the whole exchange was adapted from something you or close friends have experienced, or if it's speculative?

    (Certainly sounds realistic in any case, when I think about some of the stuff I've dealt with as a queer / trans person, this isn't my point ^^ I'm just curious regarding how you personally as an artist and person are connected to this and relate to the situation).

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      In the church I grew up in, there was a lot of talking about things and very little doing things. So there would end up being things like, classes for single women, which were basically talking about how to make yourself presentable and catch a man (in a godly way, of course).

      Things like that always felt highly presumptuous to me, especially since so many women complained how the expectation was that young people ought to get married and there wasn't a place for single people for any reason. It ends up, even if the intention is pure, that young women (and men) approaching 30 are made to feel like spinsters if they're not attached to someone. To say nothing of the things that single people (like Adrian) might NEED.

      And there wasn't a lot of pressure to change that, largely because the bulk of the church already WERE married and weren't that concerned with the issues of unmarried people beyond "Well you know, if you get married . . ." And so people who are single, for whatever reason at all, were either left in the dust or implicitly pressured into marriage.

      Which often seems weird because of all the veneration of the apostle Paul, who famously was not married and barely tolerated the idea of marriage.

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        This feels alien to me, as in my country people are mostly agnostic/atheist; and religion is largely a private matter instead of a community one. It doesn't mean there is no homophobia but that it's expressed a bit differently. All of this to say, I don't know anything about the experience of growing with "a church" which becomes "your church" etc.

        But it doesn't keep people from being judgemental about one's sexuality, choices of life and whatnot; they too would who casually make comments based on what they genuinely, innocently assume to be the only way, without meaning to offend.

        And, yeah, when the majority group's views are not challenged on a regular basis, people aren't concerned about other needs; it doesn't even cross their mind that there are any other needs to be concerned about. :c

        Aaanyway! Thanks for the hard work you're putting into the comic! Both the quality of the art and that of the dialogues/situations. There's a lot to relate to (even for people like myself who did not grew up in a religious community). I'm looking forward seeing more. :)

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    The epic mutual side-eye! :D

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    "...Does this support group have a snack and naptime?"

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    And then they kissed <3

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    Singles support group? I actually had to search that to get an idea of what that would entail. Seems reasonable from what the search results presented.