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PLEASE READ Art thief on the loose

I'm asking all of y'all to repost this to your accounts and warn everyone. Don't let more artists get targeted by this creep. You guys all mean so much to me and it'll kill me to see you becoming victims!

I'm horribly sorry for bringing this up again, I swear this'll be the last you'll hear of me and I won't update

But if you are a dragon artist and you receive a poorly spelled message from the user stated in AshDragon93 's journal. You are to block them IMMEDIATELY and warn EVERY SINGLE one of your users ASAP

This user is a really notorious art thief whose had over 300 past accounts banned due to his harassment and art theft

He'll usually type in a poorly written manner, lots of misspelled words, asking you to do a request or art trade of his purple/lavender nightfury OC. He'll go after ANY artist, even though who don't do requests or trades and beg them

But that is just fake, as he can spell fine. Its all in his plan to leech off of you for free art.
He's been known to fake a mental illness (Autism, Asperger's) to guilt trip people into giving him what he want

If you refuse/don't answer, he'll spam you up the ass threatening to repost you art and may go after your personal information.

If you agree to do an art trade, he'll never finish his part and repost your art on his account.

And even if banned, he's been known to account hop, goings through shit tons of accounts on FA DA tumblr Weasyl Google + and Skype

From what I've known, the police were called on him in the past to stop him. However his behavior continues

If you receive a message from him, IGNORE AND BLOCK, that's all I ask of you.

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    Heya, welcome to weasyl! ;u; I don't think we've spoken before but if you need any help around the site I will try my best, thank you for following also! Oh and just wanted to say that the friends feature actually allows you to set submissions and journals to friends only if you so wish (which can be handy) and there are a few I'm not comfortable showing of mine at the moment ;n; sorry about that.

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    Oh hey, welcome to the site! :D

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      Thanks! I'm starting to really like this site ^.-.^